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The Classroom Is A Critical Locus For

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Scientific Research An Academic Publisher. The present discussion is in the field of teacher training focusing especially on the praxis developed by the authors in the undergraduate teaching courses of a Federal Institute, during the years to Teacher training and the processes of learning construction have occupied a prominent place in academic and political discussions, in view of the multiple demands, in socio-educational, The Classroom Is A Critical Locus For, economic and environmental terms Paniago, This is a situation that demands new proposals in the institutions that offer initial training Ia in order to contemplate such requirements.

Another challenging factor is the fragmentation between the disciplines that make up the curricular matrix of the courses and the disconnection between the teaching practices of the course and the future field of work of the undergraduate students, the daily routine read article the basic education school. If Clazsroom problem occurs in the context of HEIs Higher Education Institution that already have extensive experience with teacher training, this scenario is worsened in the context of the Federal Institutes, which now offers undergraduate courses in the areas of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Pedagogy and Mathematics from Law no.

Original Research ARTICLE

The inability of the institution to train teachers, coupled with the inexperience 1 of many of the teachers with the issues of teaching and research linked to basic education, challenges the implementation of collaborative teaching practices linked to the daily routine of the basic education school.

Thus, the formative scenario in undergraduate courses demands the effective exercise of new teaching practices that, in addition to being operationalized in an articulated way in the different disciplines of the curricular matrix, it is important to be carried out in a collaborative way among teachers and linked to the daily life of the public school basic education, future field of The Classroom Is A Critical Locus For for undergraduates.

In this direction, sincea group of professors who work in undergraduate courses and with research on initial training, at the institution, the research locus, have been developing a research project whose focus is the teaching initiation practices that occur in the Supervised Curricular Internship and in the disciplines that offer Practice as a Curricular Component PCC. To this end, the group initially investigated the models of practices of insertion into teaching, with emphasis on the internship and the Just click for source Paniago et al,and in sequence, insertion actions were developed in the perspective of collaborative planning, articulated between some disciplines and the research bias.

The Classroom Is A Critical Locus For

Soon the data that will be presented here, it is an excerpt, whose objective was to present elements that contribute to the articulated planning between the disciplines, Clasdroom the contributions of the Supervised Curricular Practice SCP as an element that enables the connection between the teaching tripod, research and extension and the future field of work of the graduates. Other results have already been presented by the researchers Paniago et al. We assume that the SCP is a fruitful space for the learning of teaching in undergraduate courses and getting closer to the everyday life of the basic education school, the future field of work for undergraduates.

The Classroom Is A Critical Locus For

Furthermore, it is a context that requires audacity from the trainers when implementing training alternatives. And, finally, we also rely on Zeichner in view of his experience with action research, as a training strategy, in order to help future teachers to develop theories about teaching and the struggle for social justice.]

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