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Assured: The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia

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The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia

The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia Video

Car Crash Compilation #2 - Malaysian Dash Cam Owners The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia

1) The driver.

The Chinese have many beliefs. Once, a driver was late for his appointment, very late in fact, in his anxiety to reach his scheduled appointment, unfortunately he met an accident and died. It is better to be late 5 minutes in this world, than to be reporting 85 years too early in the next world.

The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia

My English teachers related this story to me when I was in lower secondary classes. Until today, the story remains vividly in my mind. Next, lets move on to the topic of today, which is about the 6 main causes of accidents in Malaysia.

In Beleaguered Babylon, Doing Battle Against Time, Water and Modern Civilization

Drivers can end up being main cause. Those who are tired, sleepy and feeling emotional should in fact not be driving at all. Likewise, those who have consumed alcohol and drugs should also abstain from driving as well. Drivers should refrain from overtaking at dangerous places. Try to be patient and understanding while driving.

The Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia

Road conditions contribute a great deal towards causing accidents. How fast we drive should commensurate with road conditions.

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Tyre conditions and brakes play a major role in determining how fast we should drive in the rain. Another factor which can cause accidents is the condition of the car itself. The brakes, lights, signals lights and horn all have to be checked, not forgetting tyre and wipers too.]

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