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Although many have postponed doctor check-ups and annual physical exams due to COVID, the new year presents an ideal opportunity—thanks to growing access to the vaccine—to focus on health and wellness. As a result, Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown recently launched a new wellness experience in partnership with Princeton Longevity Center , a leader in preventive medicine and longevity. The next-generation medical facility combines the latest technology with leading preventive medicine experts. The center is the first in the tri-state area to use the new Slice Imaging with artificial intelligence technology to provide the most advanced cardiac assessment and heart attack prevention program of any preventive medicine or health center. Its approach is to help clients create a personalized program to improve their overall health and help combat illness and premature aging. Available through Dec. The Between Intelligence And Longevity

The advent of artificial intelligence in biomedical research and medicine

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up The Between Intelligence And Longevity date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Article source. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Recent advances in deep learning enabled the development of AI systems that outperform humans in many tasks and have started to empower scientists and physicians with new tools. In this Comment, we discuss Intelligenve recent applications of AI to aging are leading Inteligence the emergence of the field of longevity medicine.

Aging is a universal feature shared by all living beings. While the rate of aging may vary among individuals and species, the time elapsed since birth is a strong predictor of health status and mortality. Targeting aging may extend the average life expectancy more substantially than prevention or treatment of individual diseases 1.

AI-powered tools enable longevity medicine

However, within the established drug discovery and development framework, pharmaceutical companies are The Between Intelligence And Longevity searching for compounds and interventions for the treatment of individual chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. Current biomedical research aims to identify the underlying mechanisms and molecular targets specific to a disease in order to modify the disease, treat its symptoms or cure it. Once a drug is approved, the medical community is obliged to follow a specific and defined protocol that is mostly targeted towards treatment of a The Between Intelligence And Longevity disease with a specific drug or Sociological Imagination The Theory Of combination.

Rarely, however, do clinicians prescribe an off-label drug, even when there is evidence that it may be effective in the treatment of another disease out of concerns about possible side effects and to avoid possible malpractice claims. While evidence-based medicine has been overwhelmingly effective at reducing mortality in the past half century, it has also increased the economic burden of disease in developed countries due to the resulting extension in lifespan without a concomitant increase in healthspan. Since aging plays a key role in the onset and progression of many human diseases and affects all organs of the body, many chronic conditions manifest themselves simultaneously as comorbidities later in life. Combined with global trends in population aging, this apparent victory of modern medicine to extend our lives has led to an explosion in healthcare costs and has failed to concomitantly improve wellness and quality of life for older adults 12.

Preventive, geroscience-based measures to treat aging at the organismal level would provide a more substantial benefit than reactive therapeutic approaches targeted at a single disease or organ, since those do not contribute to a significant improvement in healthspan. It is often ignored that disease-focused therapeutic approaches do not remarkably extend lifespans. It has been estimated that the complete elimination of a single fatal disease such as cancer in the USA would merely lead to a 2. Old biological age is not recommended to be reported as an official cause of death, but it remains the main reason why older adults die worldwide 2. Therefore, combining the prevention and elimination of chronic diseases by adding a geroscience approach to routine clinical care would yield the best outcomes in that it The Between Intelligence And Longevity promote both a long and healthy lifespan.

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However, understanding the aging process requires longitudinal monitoring of millions of parameters in many different types of data sets that change very slowly Begween the human life course, and distinctly in genetically and socioculturally diverse The Between Intelligence And Longevity 3. While humans can be trained to accurately predict age and explain features leading to their predictions — using facial images, for instance — and even to propose corrective actions, no human doctor can do this on multiple different biological data types, such as blood tests or gene expression data 4. Fortunately, the task of finding complex patterns in large volumes of longitudinal data is where modern artificial intelligence AI demonstrates a unique, often spectacular performance.]

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