The Argument Against The Existence Of God -

The Argument Against The Existence Of God

The Argument Against The Existence Of God Video

2 What is the strongest argument supporting the existence of God? The Argument Against The Existence Of God

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The Argument Against The Existence Of God

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Learn more about how FutureLearn is transforming access to education. Learn more about this course. Arguments for and against the existence of God John Bishop and Patrick Girard from the University of Auckland discuss deductive and non-deductive arguments for and against the existence of God. View transcript. Can you tell us what philosophy of religion is about? And in order to Exsitence good reasons, they should have arguments which show that their religious beliefs are true. OK, so then how does the distinction between deductive and non-deductive arguments play out in this kind of context? Well, we find arguments of both types. Now, one argument is called the cosmological argument. Agaonst goes like this— everything that begins to exist has a cause of its existence. The universe began to exist.

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Therefore, the universe has a cause of its existence. So what kind of challenge might one propose against this argument? Possibly that applies only to things within the universe and not to the universe itself. Another possible challenge might be The Argument Against The Existence Of God say, well, yes, I think the argument does succeed. But does it really establish the existence of God?

The cause of the universe is something tremendous, but it does it have to be God? And actually, that gives me an opportunity to bring in a non-deductive argument, which is known as the fine-tuning argument. The fundamental physical constants of the universe are within a very narrow range that is required if the universe is going to be capable of supporting life.

The best explanation for this phenomenon is that those values were set by an intelligence who was acting for a purpose that required the existence of life. And therefore, given that that is the best explanation, it is probably true that the universe has an intelligent designer. And that is not ruled out by the argument. So that raises the question, are there are arguments against the existence of God? Yes, there certainly are.

The Argument Against The Existence Of God

And we can find examples amongst those kinds of arguments as the difference between deductive and non-deductive arguments. Now, one very common argument against the existence of God is the argument from evil. And it goes like link if God exists, God is both all powerful and perfectly good.

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If God is all powerful, God is able to prevent any evil he wishes to prevent. If God is perfectly good, God wishes to prevent any evil he can prevent. Therefore, if God has both those properties, there is no evil. But we know from experience that evil exists. Hence, it follows that God does not exist. But that puts into doubt the deductive version for the argument from evil. So the atheist philosophers, however, responded by saying, If an all-powerful and perfectly good God exists, there are no pointless evils. Probably, there are pointless evils.]

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