The And Do The Right Thing An -

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“Do the Right Thing”

Meeting Radio Raheem feels like a rite of passage. Radio Raheem is a community presence like no other, one who never relents in sharing his message. In my reconnection with Lee's seminal work, Radio Raheem's arc stuck with me. Rlght a white person, which means that throughout my life I've benefitted from the privilege of being able to pick and choose when I address racism and systemic racism, in particular. Do we smother our enemy with understanding and empathy so that it overwhelms them at a core level and they are compelled to love us back because that is the only thing left?

The And Do The Right Thing An

Or do we break our enemy down with the ferocity of hate, which drowns out anything lesser and frightens our enemy into meeting our demands? Martin Luther King, Jr. Radio Raheem gets to speak his piece about love vs. As we follow Mookie Lee on a pizza delivery, he happens to cross paths with Radio Raheem, who is on the way to Mookie's workplace, Sal's Pizzeria, to grab a slice. Radio Raheem then tells us about the story of Right Hand vs. Left Hand, Rigght vs. It's a tale of good and evil. Hate: It was with this hand that Cain iced his brother. Love: Please click for source five fingers, they go straight to the soul of man.

The right hand: The hand of love. The story of life is this: Static. One hand is always fighting the other hand, and the left hand is kicking much ass. I mean, it looks like the right hand, Love, is finished. But hold on, stop the presses, the right hand is coming back. Yeah, he got the left hand on the ropes, now, Tihng right. Yeah, ooh, it's a devastating right and The And Do The Right Thing An is hurt, he's down.

If I love you, I love you. But if I hate you As he shares the gospel of love and hate's eternal struggle against one another, he is calm, collected, assured.

The And Do The Right Thing An

What if Radio Raheem had stopped elsewhere? In that chance encounter, Mookie is offered a view of the world he may not have considered or had the luxury of time to stop Thf consider — but it's necessary he hears it now as tensions around him rise. We, too, are hearing it by chance which means we must also stop and seriously consider what Radio Raheem is telling us. It is also worth pointing out here that "Love" is associated with the right hand, a side typically associated with the rule of law and justice, whereas "Hate" is associated with the left hand, a side existing outside of order and more harmfully chaotic.

The movie may never fully come down on one side, but it does present these two radically powerful options as the only two options left to end the systemic Thnig which runs throughout our country.

No Film School

Love or hate can end the cycle of violence, yes, but the way in which each side ends it looks different. When the cops instead realize they killed Radio Raheem and shove his body into their car, it is understandable then that hate bursts forth first as the community comes together and destroys Sal's. There may be love among the members of this community as a new day dawns, but the heaviness of Radio Raheem's death sits with them, too. Radio Raheem's murder is a scene we know well. This is not new, we saw with the riots in the '60s, the assassination of Dr.]

One thought on “The And Do The Right Thing An

  1. It is a pity, that I can not participate in discussion now. It is not enough information. But with pleasure I will watch this theme.

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