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Summary Of Abigail And John Adams Debate Summary Of Abigail And John Adams Debate

She is sometimes considered to have been a Founder of the United Statesand is now designated as the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United Statesalthough these titles were not used at the time. She and Barbara Bush are the only two women to be married to one U. Adams's life is one of the most documented of the First Ladies: she is remembered for the many letters she wrote to her husband while he stayed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniaduring the Continental Congresses. John frequently sought the advice of Abigail on many matters, and their letters are filled with intellectual discussions on government and politics.

Summary Of Abigail And John Adams Debate

Her letters also serve as eyewitness accounts of the American Revolutionary War home front. Through her mother she was a cousin of Dorothy Quincywho was married to John Hancock.

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click Adams was also the great-granddaughter of John Norton, founding pastor of Old Ship Church in Hingham, Massachusettsthe only remaining 17th-century Puritan meetinghouse in Massachusetts. Smith married Elizabeth Quincy inand together they had four children, including three daughters: one born inAbigail born in and another born in Their only son, born in[3] died of alcoholism in Smith did not focus his Abiagil on predestination or original sin ; instead he emphasized the importance of reason and morality.

Inat age 77, Smith died. Abigail did not receive formal schooling; she was frequently sick as a child, something which may have been a factor preventing her from receiving an education.

Are you Abigail?

Abigail Smith first met John Adams when she was 15 years old in John accompanied his friend Richard Cranch to the Smith household. Cranch was engaged to Abigail's older sister, Mary Smith, and they would be the parents of federal judge William Cranch. Adams reported finding the Smith sisters neither "fond, nor frank, nor candid. Although Adams' father approved of the match, her mother was appalled that her daughter would marry a country lawyer whose manner still reeked of the farm, but eventually she gave in. The couple married on October 25,in the Smiths' home in Weymouth.

Summary Of Abigail And John Adams Debate

Smith, Abigail's father, presided over the marriage of John Adams and his daughter. The couple welcomed their first child nine months their marriage.

Her childrearing style included relentless and continual reminders of what the children owed to virtue and the Adams tradition. Letters exchanged throughout John's political obligations indicate his trust in Abigail's knowledge was sincere. Like her husband, Abigail often quoted literature in her letters. Historian David McCullough claims that she did so "more readily" than her husband.

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Their correspondence illuminated their mutual emotional and intellectual respect. John often excused himself to Abigail for his "vanity," [13] exposing his need for her approval. He moved the family to Boston in Aprilrenting a clapboard house on Brattle Street that was known locally as the "White House. John's growing law practice required changes for the family. Inhe moved Abigail and the children to Braintree, but he kept his office in Boston, hoping the time away from his family link allow him to focus on his work. Nevertheless, after some time in the capital, he became disenchanted with the rural and "vulgar" Braintree as a home for his family. In Augusttherefore, Adams moved his family back to Boston. He purchased a large brick house on Queen Street, not far from his office. Abigail also took responsibility for the family's financial matters, including investments.

Investments made through her uncle Cotton Tufts in debt instruments issued to finance the Revolutionary Summary Of Abigail And John Adams Debate were rewarded after Alexander Hamilton's First Report on the Public Credit endorsed full federal payment at face value to holders of government securities. Inshe and her daughter Nabby joined her husband and her eldest son, John Quincy, at her husband's diplomatic post in Paris.]

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