Sane Or Insane Insane -

Sane Or Insane Insane

Sane Or Insane Insane - think, that

Gorthy , has recently held that where a criminal defendant is found competent to stand trial under N. Previously, the Appellate Division, in State v. In its recent decision, the Court has now eviscerated any such distinction. In Gorthy , the defendant, originally a Colorado resident, met a New Jersey-based therapist, the victim, at a workshop in California. The defendant repeatedly attempted to contact the victim, and ultimately moved from Colorado to New Jersey to meet the victim. Defendant was released and instructed not to contact the victim. Five months later, defendant resumed attempts to contact the victim, and she was arrested and charged with fourth-degree stalking, third-degree unlawful possession of a weapon, fourth-degree possession of a prohibited weapon, and fourth-degree contempt. Defendant was enrolled into the Pre-Trial Intervention program, but violated its terms by once again seeking to contact the victim. A grand jury returned a superseding indictment for the same offenses with the exception of the contempt charge, and expanded the stalking count. Competency proceedings took place, including mental health evaluations, which revealed that the defendant suffered from a delusional disorder but was competent to stand trial. Sane Or Insane Insane.

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On being sane in insane places.

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One thought on “Sane Or Insane Insane

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