![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown The](http://d2hej51cni6o0x.cloudfront.net/images/covers/young-goodman-brown.jpg)
In a well-developed paragraph, write a concise summary of the main events of story in chronological order. Do not go into detail or analyze in the summary; tell the first thing that happened, the second thing that happened, etc. See page 2 for requirements and tips. Do not rewrite the story. Hawthorne already did a great job. Your job is to briefly recount the major plot points to demonstrate your understanding of the story. In this paragraph, you will analyze the story with regard to central idea or Briwn.
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In paragraph two, remind your readers of the theme and then explicate. In other words, explain the reasoning behind your decision.

See page 3 for requirements and tips. Use the tips on page three as well as the materials in the theme folder in Week 2 in Blackboard.

Generally, a story has five plot parts. When summarizing a plot, be sure that you briefly and succinctly discuss each of these parts:. What is the inciting incident, the plot point that begins to stir up the drama, likely engaging the protagonist? The inciting incident starts the action of the story or puts the major events in the story in motion.
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The inciting incident leads to the conflict. What happens in the story at its point of greatest tension, the most dramatic point in the story? At which point in the story does the protagonist face and solve or find some sort of resolution however satisfying or unsatisfying that might be to the problem of the story?
In what ways has the conflict been resolved or has it, or again, is it an unsatisfactory resolution but a resolution nevertheless? This is a general statement about people, society, human nature, relationships, etc. Use the following checklist to be sure your paper adheres to the requirements before submitting your final draft for grading. Paragraph 2—Central Idea or Theme : In this paragraph, you will analyze the story with regard to central idea or theme. Who are the main characters? Rising Action What is the inciting incident, Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown The plot point that begins to stir up the drama, likely engaging the protagonist?
The Climax What happens in the story at its point of greatest tension, the most dramatic point in the story?

The Falling Action After the climax, how does the story wrap up? What loose ends if any are tied up for the reader?
Your job is to demonstrate that you carefully read and thoroughly comprehended the story, and that, with a critical eye, you can identify and extract the important plot points. Incorrect central ideas: The central idea or theme is about love. Too vague The central idea or theme is that Tessie was treated unfairly. Not a generalization The central idea or theme is that people should treat others fairly. How DO people react to tragedy?]
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