Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis -

Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis.

It unfolds the story of a scientist Victor Frankenstein who creates a hideous monster from pieces of corpses and brings it to life.

But the monster eventually becomes the source of his misery and demise. The plot of the novel is epistolary. The story is narrated through the first-person accounts of Captain Walton, Victor Frankenstein, and the monster himself. Moreover, Frankenstein is also a frame story.

The Tragic Story of Frankenstein

It means a story framed or surrounded by another story or a series of stories. The novel begins with a series of letters from Robert Walton, an English explorer, to his sister, Margaret Saville in England, telling about his voyage.

Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis

Robert Walton is at sea with a group of sailors traveling to the North Pole in pursuit of glory. He is a passionate and aspiring man with high hopes for important geographical and scientific discoveries. But his voyage soon interrupts when Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis find themselves trapped in Arctic ice. From across the frozen sea, Walton and his crew witness a strange sight: a gigantic figure rushing by the ice on a dog-sled. Soon after, they find a haggard and frozen man floating on a slice of ice who seems to be on the verge of death.

Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis

The stranger reveals himself to be Victor Frankenstein. For several days, Walton nurses Frankenstein back to health.

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When he sees him from weakness, Walton begins talking to him. Later on, Frankenstein, after becoming more comfortable with Walton, starts telling him his long-concealed tragic story. He takes the narrative only at the very end of the novel. He is born into a wealthy Swiss family. His parents are kind and marvelous people. Victor Frankenstein is the first child of his parents. Also, he has two younger brothers, Ernest and William Frankenstein.

The Narrative of Captain Walton

Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis kind parents also adopt Elizabeth Lavenza, an orphan child of Milanese nobility, and bring her up as a member of the family. During his childhood, Victor enjoys his close relationships with his adopted sister, Elizabeth Lavenza, and his best friend, Henry Clerval. Whereas Henry Clerval is fond of studying the history of human struggle and endeavor, Victor NI develops a passion for natural philosophy and alchemy.

He spends most of his adolescence studying the works of the medieval alchemists and dreaming of discovering the elixir of life. Before Victor turns seventeen, Anaylsis parents decide it is time for him to begin his university studies at Ingolstadt. But when he prepares to leave for his studies at the Romanticism In Frankenstein Analysis of Ingolstadt, his mother and Elizabeth become ill with scarlet fever.

Unfortunately, his mother dies from the disease while Elizabeth recovers. At university, he meets Mr. Krempe, a professor of biology, who after berating him for wasting his time on Agrippa and Paracelsus suggests a more modern course of reading.]

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