Questions On African American Cultural Considerations -

Questions On African American Cultural Considerations - opinion

African-American culture refers to the contributions of African Americans to the culture of the United States , either as part of or distinct from mainstream American culture. The distinct identity many of African-American culture is rooted in the historical experience of the African-American people, including the Middle Passage. The culture is both distinct and enormously influential on American and global worldwide culture as a whole. African-American culture is rooted in the blend between the native African cultures of West Africa and Central Africa and the Anglo-Celtic culture that has influenced and modified its development in the American South. Understanding its identity within the culture of the United States , it is, in the anthropological sense, conscious of its origins as largely a blend of West and Central African cultures. African-American identity was established during the slavery period , producing a dynamic culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on American culture as a whole, as well as that of the broader world. Elaborate rituals and ceremonies were a significant part of African-Americans' ancestral culture. Many West African societies traditionally believed that spirits dwelled in their surrounding nature. From this disposition, they treated their environment with mindful care. They also generally believed that a spiritual life source existed after death and that ancestors in this spiritual realm could then mediate between the supreme Creator and the living. Questions On African American Cultural Considerations. Questions On African American Cultural Considerations

Questions On African American Cultural Considerations Video

Several factors increase PPD risk, including a past history of depression, perceived lack of social support, young maternal age, and low income. Postpartum depression tends to go undetected and untreated in minority group members. This study was conducted to help fill this gap.

American Culture Today Essays

Research design and approach — This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews in focus group settings with patients at a family services program in Houston, Texas. Focus groups tend to offer opportunities for more interaction than a one-on-one interview format and may promote in-depth conversations about complex topics.

Questions On African American Cultural Considerations

Participants— Convenience sampling was used to recruit a homogeneous group of low income AA women. Any AA woman who had given birth in the past 18 months source had been screened for PPD was eligible to participate in the study, was notified about the study, and was asked to take part in it.

Sixteen women met inclusion criteria and signed a Quesgions form. Demographics of the sample appear in Table 2. Data collection— After the Institutional Review Board at the University of Houston approved the study, three focus groups were conducted over a 3-week period. The primary investigator moderated the groups with three research assistants in attendance.

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Participants were advised that researchers wanted to know their thoughts about culture and about postpartum depression. During the focus group sessions, each woman was asked the same questions:. Data analysis— Audio-recordings of the focus groups were transcribed verbatim and compared with the transcripts to ensure accuracy. Transcripts were read by each researcher; key words and statements were highlighted and coded. Themes that emerged from the data were reviewed. Simila themes were grouped together and reported as results.

Questions On African American Cultural Considerations

Lack of support— Depressive episodes were likened to feeling that the whole world is on your shoulders pushing you Most participants had family and friends residing in close proximity. Many participants were single mothers who felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and constantly stressed Cuultural simultaneously trying to be self-sufficient.

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They shared stories about long bouts of isolation and withdrawal, although most did not relate thoughts of harming themselves or others. A few Consideratjons report fleeting thoughts of wanting to escape from or hurt their children. When asked about what members of their community said about PPD, the participants believed that their family an friends considered PPD as involving extreme thoughts an crazy, dangerous behaviors e. For example, one participant said, She [referring to a neighbor] needed the help.]

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