Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet -

Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet - the

HP recognizes that privacy is a fundamental human right and further recognizes the importance of privacy, security and data protection to our customers and partners worldwide. As a global organization, with legal entities, business processes, management structures, and technical systems that cross international borders, we strive to provide protections across all of our operations that exceed legal minimums and to deploy consistent, rigorous policies and procedures. This Privacy Statement informs you of our privacy practices and of the choices you can make and rights you can exercise in relation to your personal data, including information that may be collected from your online activity, use of devices, and interactions you have with HP offline, such as when you engage with our customer support representatives. This Privacy Statement applies to all HP companies as well as HP-owned websites, domains, services including device management , applications, subscriptions e. We have an accountability-based program and are committed to the following principles, which are based on internationally-recognized frameworks and principles of privacy and data protection:. As a global company, it is possible that any information you provide may be transferred to or accessed by HP entities worldwide in accordance with this Privacy Statement and on the basis of the following International Privacy Programs. Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet

Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet Video

Private and Personal Information

This directory includes laws, regulations and industry guidelines with significant security and privacy impact and requirements. Each entry includes a link to the full text of the law or reg as well as information about what and who is covered.

Industry-specific regulations and guidelines

Purpose: Enacted inthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act is designed to protect investors and the public by increasing the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures. It was enacted after the high-profile Enron and WorldCom financial scandals of the early s.

It is administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which publishes SOX rules and requirements defining audit requirements and the records businesses should store and for how long. To whom it applies: US public company boards, management and public accounting firms.

Our Privacy Principles

Key points for CISOs: SOX places requirements around maintaining integrity and availability of financial data, and controls for who has access to that data. Specific rules need to be in place for:. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act explained: Definition, purpose and provisions. To whom it applies: Any entity that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data--any organization that accepts credit card payments. To whom it applies : Any Europe-based organization that processes credit card transactions and European banks and financial institutions. It also requires banks and other financial institutions to give third-party payment service providers access to consumer bank accounts if account holders give consent.

Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet

What is PSD2? And how it will impact the payments processing industry. Purpose: Also known as the Financial Modernization Act ofthe GLB Act includes provisions to protect consumers' personal financial information held by financial institutions. Its three principal parts to the privacy requirements are: the Financial Privacy Rule, the Safeguards Rule and pretexting provisions. To whom it applies: Financial institutions banks, securities firms, insurance companies and companies providing financial products and services to consumers including lending, brokering or servicing any type of consumer loan; transferring Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet safeguarding money; preparing individual tax returns; providing financial advice or credit counseling; providing residential real estate settlement services; collecting consumer debts. It is a voluntary initiative run by US Customs and Border Protection, with the goals of preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the US.

It is designed to build cooperative government-business relationships that strengthen and improve the overall international supply chain and US border security. Businesses are asked to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate and verify the security guidelines of their business partners within the supply chain. To whom it applies: Trade-related businesses, such as importers, carriers, consolidators, logistics providers, licensed customs brokers and manufacturers. Participation in FAST requires that every link in the supply chain — from manufacturer to carrier to driver to importer — is certified under the C-TPAT program see above.

Broadly applicable laws and regulations

To whom it applies: Importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers and manufacturers. Purpose: COPPAwhich took effect inapplies to the online collection of personal information from children under Monitored by the Federal Trade Commission FTCthe rules limit how companies may collect and disclose children's personal information. They codify what a website operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent and what responsibilities an operator must protect children's privacy and safety online.

To whom it applies: Operators of commercial websites and online services directed to children under 13 that collect personal information from children, as well as general audience websites with knowledge they are collecting personal information from children.

HP Privacy Statement

Accuracy, privacy, limits on information sharing, and new consumer rights to disclosure are included in the legislation. The Act also says businesses in possession of consumer information or information derived from consumer reports must properly dispose of the information. To whom it applies: Credit bureaus, credit reporting agencies, financial institutions, any business that uses a consumer report and creditors. The first major revisions, made inmake clear that electronically stored information is discoverable, and they detail what, how and when electronic data must be produced.

Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet

As a result, companies must know what data they are storing and where it is. They need policies in place to manage electronic data, and they need to be able to prove compliance with these policies to avoid unfavorable rulings resulting from failing to produce data that is relevant to a case. Security professionals may be involved in proving to a court's satisfaction that stored data has not been tampered with.]

One thought on “Privacy of Personal Information on the Internet

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