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The Global Gag Rule — It’s time to say NO MORE - Planned Parenthood Video Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood

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The move comes a few months after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Texas had the right to determine for itself whether or not to fund a particular provider through its Medicaid program. The Planned Parenthood came from the entire court, undoing a previous three-judge-panel ruling against Texas.

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood decision affirmed that states and the federal government, not Medicaid beneficiaries, are the arbiters of whether any given group is qualified to be a Medicaid provider. In Texas, the Health and Human Services Commission first attempted to remove Planned Parenthood from the Parenghood Medicaid program after verified undercover footage revealed that the abortion provider had broken federal law by profiting from the sale of the body parts of aborted babies.

Eventually, the question will have to be settled at the Supreme Court. Planned Parenthood, Mo. No charge.

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NR Planned Parenthood. Kevin D. Georgia Elections Officials Launch Probe into Trump Phone Calls Findings will be presented to the state election board, which will decide whether to refer the matter to the state attorney general for prosecution. Mairead McArdle. Brittany Bernstein.

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Biden Plan Ignores the Real Problem with Welfare Congress should reinvest in — not reverse — the bipartisan success of reform. Robert RectorMarie Fishpaw.

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