Naturalism In Maggie A Girl Of The -

Naturalism In Maggie A Girl Of The - opinion you

No hay Conversaciones actualmente sobre este libro. Stephen Crane tiene una Biblioteca Legada. Las Bibliotecas Legadas son bibliotecas personales de lectores famosos, han sido compilados por miembros de Librarything pertenecientes als grupo Bibliotecas Legadas. Ver el perfil del legado de Stephen Crane. A harrowing depiction of a pretty young girl's life in the slums of turn-of-the-century New York City and her eventual decline into prostitution, Crane's novel is a starkly realistic examination of poverty and the challenges brought about by the rapid industrialization the United States underwent in the late s. Naturalism In Maggie A Girl Of The.

The story centers on Maggie, a young girl from the Bowery who is driven to unfortunate circumstances by poverty and solitude. Crane — who was 22 years old at the time — financed the book's publication himself, although the original edition was printed under the pseudonym Johnston Smith. After the success of 's The Red Badge of CourageMaggie was reissued in with considerable changes and re-writing.

Stephen Crane

The story is followed by George's Mother. The story opens with Jimmie, Naturalosm this point a young boy, trying by himself to fight a gang of boys from an opposing neighborhood. He is saved by his friend, Pete, and comes home to his sister, Maggie, his toddling brother, Tommie, his brutal and drunken father, and mother, Mary Johnson. The parents terrify the children until they are shuddering in the corner. Years pass, Tommie and his father die as Jimmie hardens into a sneering, aggressive, cynical youth.

He gets a job as a teamster, having no regard for anyone but firetrucks who would run him down. Maggie begins to work in a shirt factory, but her attempts to improve Im life are undermined by her mother's drunken rages. Maggie begins to date Jimmie's friend Pete, who has a job as a bartender and seems a very fine fellow, convinced that he will help her escape the life she leads. He takes her to the theater and the museum.

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One night Jimmie Natiralism Mary accuse Maggie of "Goin to deh devil", essentially kicking her out of the tenement, throwing her lot in with Pete. Jimmie goes to Pete's bar and picks a fight with him even though he himself has ruined other boys' sisters. As the neighbors continue to talk about Maggie, Jimmie and Mary decide to join them in badmouthing her instead of defending her.]

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