My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship -

My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship - sorry, that

The philosophy of education examines the goals, forms, methods, and meaning of education. The term is used to describe both fundamental philosophical analysis of these themes and the description or analysis of particular pedagogical approaches. Considerations of how the profession relates to broader philosophical or sociocultural contexts may be included. For example, philosophers of education study what constitutes upbringing and education, the values and norms revealed through upbringing and educational practices, the limits and legitimization of education as an academic discipline, and the relation between educational theory and practice. In universities, the philosophy of education usually forms part of departments or colleges of education. Plato's educational philosophy was grounded in a vision of an ideal Republic wherein the individual was best served by being subordinated to a just society due to a shift in emphasis that departed from his predecessors. The mind and body were to be considered separate entities. In the dialogues of Phaedo , written in his "middle period" B. My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship

This paper explains my own understanding of philosophy of education and its importance, while at the same time critiquing and reviewing other philosophies. Philosophy is the rational thought about all the things that Adn human beings, and involves processes of asking questions. We all have certain beliefs and opinions concerning important ideas like the purpose of education, purpose of living, and ones need for religion.

I generated my personal philosophy in the process of analyzing and questioning my beliefs, which include why we need quality education in our learning institutions. My Own Interpretation of Philosophy of Education According to my own understanding, quality education does not entail passing of knowledge only, but also virtues and values needed in the society.

It mainly explains how the philosophical theories came into existence in our society today. It enables one to see why and how the theories oppose or complement each other, which in the long run helps in critiquing and guiding the development of the theories. Having Philosopphy philosophical knowledge will help one in justifying the teaching methodologies, identify and challenge any norms concerning nature of education. It also provides additional language for educational debates.

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Tagging to that, teaching as a scholarly and professional activity can be promoted with the use of philosophy. The main aim of education is to help man develop and improve oneself and other people as well. This is where the role of philosophy in education comes in, since it has its educational implications Noddings, By critiquing and reviewing different philosophical theories, one will be able to make informed decisions regarding how to approach and understand the Anx and apply them in Abd life experiences.

It is also evident that different individuals will come up with their varied understandings of philosophy of education. My Own Interpretation of Philosophy of Education, My philosophy agrees and disagrees with the existing philosophies like idealism, realism and Neo-Scholasticism. The metaphysics for my own philosophy relates to that of Idealism and Neo-Scholasticism. Neo-Scholasticism suggests that one has to acquire more knowledge through the use of human reasoning then rely on faith in that jurisdiction My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship the possibility of human understanding.

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I agree with this fact because, my perception of reality and morality goes beyond human understanding. Just like Idealism and My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship, I believe that human beings can use their human reasoning to explain certain concepts to a specific limit, and then go beyond human reasoning to solve the remaining issues Goering et al, While I associate with Idealism, I believe that for one to make ethical and wise judgments we have to give more attention to the invisible things like ideas and thoughts.

Teachers should take the active role of instilling quality education to children that can end up reducing vices in the society. The first educational philosophy is that of Idealism, which suggest that all the invisible things like ideas and thoughts have to be given more attention than the visible things. The idealist also believe that virtues are determined and modeled by God, which means that for an individual to behave in an ethical manner, the person has to conform to the invisible God. This aspect of the philosophy relates closely to my own philosophy, because I argue that for an individual to get quality education, it should be based on both virtue and knowledge delivery by the teachers.

According to the idealists, education is meant to bring other people into the conformity to the perfect self and common moral law Shapiro, My Own Interpretation of Philosophy of Education, Teachers are supposed to serve as role models for their students since they understand reality more clearly than the students.

Students on the other hand are mandated to develop their intellectual capacity more than other things because reality is centered in ideas and the mind. The major role of education according to the idealists is to And Biochemical Genetic Studies On students into the world of ideas with the main aim of improving their way of thinking and understanding of absolute reality. This means that they are isolated from other experiences of life outside academics. I disagree with this part, because students are supposed to be all rounded, by instilling all aspects of life in schools so that they My Philosophy Of Education And The Principalship able to embrace the changing environmental and social conditions in the society without difficulties.

This is also disputable because parents have their role to play in teaching good virtues and dogmas to their children and it should not be left to the teachers only. The idealists also believe that education should be controlled by those who have better understanding of the ultimate reality, which I disagree with. Education should be controlled by all the relevant stakeholders, including the Erucation and their parents.]

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