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My Favorite Art Supplies for painting + journalingLikes Followers Subscribers Followers. Edmond Hood Feb 8, The UCI has announced that they will be looking at dangerous behaviour in a peloton, including adopting dangerous positions on the bike; descending on the top tube.
Ed Hood takes a look at descending, handlebars and aerodynamics in general. Alastair Hamilton Feb 8, UCI bans the 'Super Tuck'. Rider news. Team news. Race news.

Edmond Hood Feb 7, It was May when Phil O'Connor took his first race picture; Manxman, Steve Joughin winning a stage of the Tour of Britain, 'Milk Race' as it hurtled into Bournemouth - some months later he lCass to get it published in a cycling magazine. Chris Selden Feb 6, Normally associated with Ferrari, today's Readers' Rig is instead a Lamborghini styled Colnago C50 modified by its owner for his ultimate ride.

A highly original custom paint job, Campagnolo record gearing, Zipp wheels and a light weight are just some of the features of this unique ride. Alastair Hamilton Feb 5, PEZ Crew Feb 5, ]
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