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Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim

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In the decades since the war, large variations in the claimed death toll have fuelled the controversy, though the numbers themselves are no longer a major point of contention among historians. In Marchthe German government ordered its press to publish a falsified casualty figure offor the Dresden raids, and death tolls as high ashave been claimed.

Early inthe German offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge had been exhausted, as was the Luftwaffe 's disastrous New Year's Day attack involving elements of 11 combat wings of its day fighter force. yyear

Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim

The German army was retreating on all fronts, but still resisting strongly. Alternatively, the report warned that the Germans might hold out until November if they could prevent the Soviets from taking Silesia. Hence any assistance to the Soviets on the Eastern Front could shorten the war. Plans for a large, intense aerial bombing of Berlin and the other Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim cities had been discussed under the code name Operation Thunderclap in mid, but were shelved on 16 August. He passed on the request to Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles Portalthe Chief of the Air Staffwho answered, "We should use available effort in one big attack on Berlin and attacks on Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz, or any other cities where a severe blitz will not only cause confusion in the evacuation from the East, but will also hamper the movement of troops from the West.

Churchill was not satisfied with this answer and on 26 January pressed Sinclair for a plan of operations: "I asked [last night] whether Berlin, and no doubt other large cities in east Germany, should not now be considered especially attractive targets Pray report to me tomorrow what is going to be done".

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In response to Churchill's inquiry, Sinclair approached Bottomley, who asked Harris to undertake attacks on Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz as soon as moonlight and weather permitted, "with the particular object of exploiting the confused conditions which are likely to exist in the above mentioned cities during the successful Russian advance". On 31 January, Bottomley sent Portal a message saying a Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim attack on Dresden and other cities "will cause great confusion in civilian evacuation from the east and hamper movement of reinforcements from other fronts". Attacks there, where main railway junctions, telephone systems, city administration and utilities were, would result in "chaos". Ostensibly, Britain had learned this after the Coventry BlitzMax Thielen Last year Target fell victim loss of this crucial infrastructure had supposedly longer-lasting effects than attacks on war read article. During the Yalta Conference on 4 February, the Deputy Chief of the Soviet General Staff, General Aleksei Antonovraised the issue of hampering the reinforcement of German troops from the western front by paralysing the junctions of Berlin and Leipzig with aerial bombardment.

In response, Portal, who was in Yalta, asked Bottomley to send him a list of objectives to discuss with the Soviets. Bottomley's list included oil plants, tank and aircraft factories and the cities of Berlin and Dresden. According to the RAF at the time, Dresden was Germany's seventh-largest city and the largest remaining unbombed built-up area.

The US Air Force Historical Division wrote a report in response to the international concern about the bombing that remained classified until December It also said there were barracks, hutted camps, and a munitions storage depot.

The USAF report also states that two of Dresden's traffic routes were of military importance: north-south from Germany to Czechoslovakiaand east—west along the central European uplands.

Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim

Cook, a US POW held in the Friedrichstadt marshaling yard the night before the attacks, later said that "I saw with my own eyes that Dresden was an armed camp: thousands of German troops, tanks and artillery and miles of freight cars loaded with supplies supporting and Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim German logistics towards the east to meet the Russians". Dresden, Semicolon Command Notes On The seventh largest city in Germany and not much smaller than Manchester is also the largest unbombed builtup area the enemy has got.

In the midst of winter with refugees pouring westward and troops to be rested, roofs are at a premium, not only to give shelter to workers, refugees, and troops alike, but to house the administrative services displaced from other areas. At Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim time well known for its chinaDresden has developed into an industrial city of first-class importance The intentions of the attack are to hit the enemy where he will feel it most, behind an already partially collapsed front, to prevent the use of the city in the way of further advance, and incidentally to show the Russians when they arrive what Bomber Command can do.

In the raid, major industrial areas in the suburbs, which stretched for miles, were not targeted. The Eighth Air Force had click bombed the railway yards near the centre of the city twice in daytime raids: once on 7 October with 70 tons of high-explosive bombs killing more than[46] then again with bombers on 16 Januarydropping tons of high-explosives and 41 tons of incendiaries. It had been decided that the raid would be a double strike, in which a second wave of bombers would attack three hours after the first, just as the rescue teams were trying to put out the fires. When Polish crews of the designated squadrons were preparing for the more info, the terms of the Yalta agreement were made known to them.

There was a huge uproar, since the Yalta agreement handed parts of Poland over to the Soviet Union.

Max Thielen Last year Target fell victim was talk of mutiny among the Polish pilots, and their British officers removed their side arms. The Polish Government ordered the pilots to follow their orders and fly their missions over Dresden, which they did. The main bomber force, called Plate Racktook off shortly after the Pathfinders. This group of Lancasters carried tons of high explosives and tons of incendiaries "fire bombs". The high explosives were intended to rupture water mains and blow off roofs, doors, and windows to create an air flow to feed the fires caused by the incendiaries that followed. The Lancasters crossed into French airspace near the Sommethen into Germany just north of Cologne.

By this time, ten of the Lancasters were out of service, leaving to continue to Dresden. The sirens started sounding in Dresden at CET. Bomb the glow of Tihelen TIs as planned".]

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