Confirm. join: Mandatory Attendance
LONG DAYS JOURNEY INTO NIGHT ESSAY | 5 days ago · Michigan SB68 Education: attendance; compulsory attendance requirements, and reporting of suspensions, expulsion, truancy, and absenteeism; revise. Amends secs. a, & of PA (MCL a et seq.). 20 hours ago · Tim And Eric: Mandatory Attendance World Tour Wed, Feb 12, at AM. Kings Theatre - Brooklyn, NY Flatbush Avenue. Save event. Share with friends. View event. 2 days ago · Online studies will continue in Himachal Pradesh from February 15, despite schools opening for students of fifth to twelfth standard. At present, there will be no pressure on students to come to school. There will also be no compulsory attendance of students in schools. The SOP of prevention of corona infection will be posted on [ ]. |
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Mandatory Attendance - can
If a class has mandatory attendance, it usually entails a certain number of absences before crucial consequences are put into place for the student. For example, my communication class states if you miss a total of five absences in the class, you will be kicked out of the course, earning no credit for it. College is all about placing sole responsibility onto the student and managing your time efficiently. I would sure like to sit here and tell you I would show up to all of them, all the time , but I am afraid I would be a liar. Look, we all have those days where we need a mental break or a sick day, and sometimes we just do not always show up to every class. I, myself would certainly make sure to go to the classes that require attendance more than the ones who do not. Just pay attention to the surrounding seats in the classroom and see how many are left unfilled as each week progresses on. But, I strongly believe if all classes had optional attendance, I am positive the attendance rate would either go up, or stay consistent like the first few weeks of the semester.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Mandatory Attendance](
Mandatory Attendance Video
Tim and Eric 2020 Mandatory Attendance Tour™ Little Xmas MessageFROM THE HOMEPAGE
If it wasn't for the fact that the system is abusing compulsory education I'd support it. However we clearly are.

Rather than treating students with more dignity and respect because they no choice in the matter we treat them like Mandatory Attendance with zero tolerance policies, by arrogantly wasting hours debating such mundane matters dress codes in such a high fallutent way that sounds like it's Mandatory Attendance and Attendahce out the "you're hear to learn, not X.
The school system focuses ad nauseum on "preparing for 'the real world'" and is so focused on pushing materialistic expectations into everyone's minds, promoting rampant careerism and a reificated concept Attencance 'happiness' defined by having a bunch of useless stuff that holds little value for creating better people, for helping people to cultivate humanity, knowledge, and wisdom.
It creates robots programmed to say they are "smart", "educated", "intelligent" when these terms have become alienated from what they really mean and now most people are only concerned with the appearance of being smart or wise Mandatory Attendance not the actual reality of it.
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This is part of wider worrisome trends within our society. Perhaps if this whole paradigm would turn around then compulsory education could work but right now it doesn't work but then again most things in our society are not working at least not working in the most truly meaningful sense of Mandatory Attendance term. School should not be mandatory because you can not force someone to learn.

Those of us who are educated know that an education is empowering, valuable, and vital to a civilized society. Many students feel like they have to go to school, and as a result, don't care about their Mandatory Attendance nor put much emphasis on learning.
The System Abuses It! And it is destroying humanity!
Because they have to go, they don't want to. Such students are a distraction for those that do want to learn, and they detract from valuable instruction time as they often pose behavioral problems and challenge teachers' authority in the Attemdance and elsewhere. It is quite possible that many of these students would have a change in attitude if they had to enter the workforce and work as unskilled laborers for a year or more. If these students with "tude" realized the importance of Mandatory Attendance education, perhaps they would Mandatory Attendance it" and take responsibility for their lives and decide to stay in school of their own accord.

Perhaps the realities of living paycheck to paycheck would make Mandatory Attendance realize that school isn't so bad after all. Removing the students that are disciplinary problems and don't care about school would also allow teachers to focus Attndance the students that really do want to improve their lot in life. School should be available to everyone Mandatory Attendance to the 12th grade, but it should not be mandatory.]
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