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Environmental news, opinion and analysis from Guardian US. Celebrities call on Biden and Harris to shut down Dakota Access pipeline. Indigenous leaders, environmental groups and celebrities including Cher and Robert Downey Jr urge White House in letter.

Republican attacks, amplified by Fox News, have been met with a planned response from climate envoy John Kerry.

Loyalkas Life Story Analysis

How Biden is reversing Trump's assault on the environment. The new president is focusing on seven key areas to reverse a legacy of environmental destruction and climate denialism. I represent children in Flint, Michigan. Here's what I'm asking Biden to do Corey Stern.

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Every single American has a right to live and work in a safe environment. President Biden can help ensure we can. Mysterious California sea lion deaths linked to toxic synthetic chemicals. Scientists say animals with higher levels of DDT, PCBs and others in their blubber are more prone to cancer triggered by herpes.

Argentina How fracking is taking its toll on indigenous people. Play Video.

Loyalkas Life Story Analysis

Climate crisis Firms ignoring emergency will go bankrupt, says Mark Carney. Bank of England governor warns of financial collapse linked to climate emergency.]

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