Louisiana Purchase Importance Video
The Louisiana PurchaseLouisiana Purchase Importance - are available?
The history of New Orleans, Louisiana, traces the city's development from its founding by the French in through its period of Spanish control, then briefly back to French rule before being acquired by the United States in the Louisiana Purchase in In the 19th century, New Orleans was the largest port in the South , exporting most of the nation's cotton output and other products to Western Europe and New England. It was the largest and most important city in the South, thus it was an early target for capture by the Union during the Civil War. With its rich and unique cultural and architectural heritage, New Orleans remains a major destination for live music, tourism , conventions, and sporting events and annual Mardi Gras celebrations, even after the significant destruction and loss of life resulting from Hurricane Katrina in The land mass that was to become the city of New Orleans was formed around BC when the Mississippi River deposited silt creating the delta region. Before Europeans founded the settlement, the area was inhabited by Native Americans for about years. Later Native Americans created a portage between the headwaters of Bayou St. John known to the natives as Bayouk Choupique and the Mississippi River.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Louisiana Purchase Importance](https://skercyturningpoints.weebly.com/uploads/5/5/5/7/5557639/745898104.jpg)

In this Louisians lesson, students learn the historic importance of the Mississippi River and why the U. They Louisiana Purchase Importance out how the United States acquired the land that made up the Louisiana Purchase—and just how little anyone knew about that land before handing over the purchase price! Resources for this lesson are available in print and digital form. A free teacher account is required to access them. Log in or register below.
Federal Trade Commission
Skip to main content. Describe how and why the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory.

Draw and compare early boundary guesses with boundaries established by later treaties. Identify and label major geographic features related to the Louisiana Purchase.

Downloadable Resources Resources for this lesson are available in print and digital form.]
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