In This Paper I Plan To Argue -

In This Paper I Plan To Argue

In This Paper I Plan To Argue - idea

He was best known as an advocate of a policy of containment of Soviet expansion during the Cold War. He was also one of the group of foreign policy elders known as " The Wise Men ". During the late s, his writings inspired the Truman Doctrine and the U. His " Long Telegram " from Moscow during and the subsequent article The Sources of Soviet Conduct argued that the Soviet regime was inherently expansionist and that its influence had to be "contained" in areas of vital strategic importance to the United States. These texts provided justification for the Truman administration 's new anti-Soviet policy. Kennan played a major role in the development of definitive Cold War programs and institutions, notably the Marshall Plan. Soon after his concepts had become U. By late , Kennan became confident that positive dialogue could commence with the Soviet government. His proposals were discounted by the Truman administration and Kennan's influence was marginalized, particularly after Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State in Soon thereafter, U. In This Paper I Plan To Argue

NOW that the democratic case for a second independence referendum is gaining widespread support we must beware moves to add devo max as an option on the referendum ballot paper. STUC general secretary Roz Foyer is the latest to argue that more options must be included to allow voters the chance to opt for further devolution. She makes the call in a new paper, Scotland United. They are doing so because they are panicking that Scots will vote for independence.

In This Paper I Plan To Argue

There are many arguments against devo max. For a start any case in support of it would have to first admit that the union was not working, which Thks anything other than independence pointless. And it would still not devolve defence, benefits or international relations, which are among the first things Scotland would want control over.

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Scotland knows that more devolution would not protect Scotland from bad decisions by Westminster. It would not have avoided the catastrophic problems inflicted by the arrangement Boris Johnson laughingly calls a trade deal. It would not have stopped Brexit red tape inflicting terrible losses on our fishing industry.

In This Paper I Plan To Argue

And it would certainly not give us the full control of our economy that we need to shape the kind of country we campaign for independence to create. This new campaign is basically a re-run of The Vow, which infamously promised a raft of new powers in the closing stage of the referendum campaign and delivered very little real change. This was ignored. At no point the Brexit process was the Scottish government given a meaningful role to play.

On the contrary, its objections were rejected out of hand and the points our MPs made in the House of Commons were routinely greeted with jeers and laughter. The Scottish parliament refused to give its consent to the deal. That vote made absolutely no difference. The deal was imposed, with the disastrous consequences we have seen since the beginning of the year. Yet almost unbelievably Tories have pointed to the border chaos thrown up by their inept Brexit negotiations as a reason to avoid independence.

The truth is it would be impossible to come up with a worse trading deal with rUK than that currently enforced with Europe. There is absolutely no In This Paper I Plan To Argue to expect the post-independence negotiations to be carried out in anything other than the spirit of good will. It is in the interest of both Scotland and rUK to do so. Devolution continues to deny the power Scotland needs to make its own decisions on its future … and no matter what tweaks are made it never will.

Instead it encourages the myth that we have even a modicum of real control.


The Better Together side may have professed undying love for Scotland in but the mask has long since slipped. Labour MSP Neil Findlay writes an article in the same paper in which he also argues for more options in the referendum question. Devo max is a busted flush which is a distraction from the steps we need to take to build a better Scotland.]

In This Paper I Plan To Argue

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