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The Polarization Of The United States | Feb 02, · DPRK. DPRK: Pursue accountability for human rights violations, UN report urges international community Format News and Press Release Source. UN HRC; Posted. Avaaz is the campaigning community bringing people-powered politics to decision making worldwide. By The Paris Climate Accord was the greatest victory yet in efforts to fight climate change, a beautiful achievement of human unity, and our movement was the leading global public mobilisation engine to deliver it. Here's the story. 5 days ago · LGBT rights is Human rights, Loay, Bohol. 20 likes · 21 talking about this. This page aims to encourage everyone to stop judging people despite 20 likes. |
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Human Rights Abuses for the LGBT Community - apologise
Ejaz Awan Defense Analyst : Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed on 5th of February every year to highlight the plight of the oppressed Kashmiri people and remind the world community of its obligations towards the resolution of the longstanding dispute. Pakistan is also a party in Kashmir conflict. India is constantly refusing to give Kashmiris their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN resolutions. On 5th of August, , India took the unilateral decision of abrogating the special status of Jammu and Kashmir which is not only in violation of the UN Charter but the international laws as well. Pakistan is committed to seeking just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Naeem Khalid Lodhi Former Secretary Defense : The day of 5th February reminds us of ongoing struggle being launched by the people of Kashmir for achieving their inalienable right-to-self determination. India cannot succeed in its efforts to defame Pakistan, and suppress voice of the people of Kashmir through use of brute force. Pakistan should continue its all-out moral, political and diplomatic support to people of Kashmir in achieving their right to self-determination. Human Rights Abuses for the LGBT Community.Human Rights Abuses for the LGBT Community Video
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GENEVA 2 February — Seven years on from a landmark UN investigation into human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRKthere are reasonable grounds to believe that crimes against humanity continue to be committed in the country, a new UN human here report says, calling on the international community to act to ensure accountability.
These include Commmunity, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, and other forms of sexual violence, persecution on political grounds, and enforced disappearance.
Specifically, analysis of interviews with people who escaped the DPRK provides reasonable grounds to believe that the crime against humanity of imprisonment continues in the ordinary prison system, the report has found. The UN Human Rights Office has also continued to receive consistent and credible accounts of the systematic infliction of severe physical and mental pain or suffering upon detainees in the ordinary prison system — which may amount to the crime against humanity of torture. Such treatment includes beatings, the prolonged use of stress positions, psychological abuse, forced labour, denial of medical care and sanitation and hygiene products, and starvation, which all combine to create an atmosphere of severe mental and physical suffering in detention, exacerbated by extremely poor living conditions.
The report highlights the lack of progress on the urgent need to establish the truth and ensure accountability on cases of abductions and enforced disappearances of ethnic Koreans, Japanese nationals, and others since the Korean War until the present. The victims of these foor and their families are reaching advanced ages, with diminishing time for them to see justice and truth realised. Proper investigation and prosecution of the alleged international crimes committed in the DPRK must remain a priority, the report states, whether through referral of the situation to the International Criminal Court or with the establishment of an ad hoc tribunal or other comparable mechanism. The report recalls that there is no statute of limitations for LGTB against humanity. The report notes that it is imperative to ensure that information relevant to these alleged violations continues to be collected and preserved to support accountability strategies at all levels.
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That includes judicial processes in other countries based on accepted principles of extraterritorial or universal jurisdiction, as well as possible future international accountability processes. Collecting, analysing and preserving information will see more be useful in support of complementary, non-judicial measures towards the realization of wider rights of victims, such as developing a historical record, memorialization, reparation and truth-telling exercises.
The UN Human Rights Office, including its field office in Seoul, is contributing to the realization of such initiatives, particularly through information gathering and preservation analysis for accountability purposes, advocacy and awareness raising, the report notes. The report also calls for international humanitarian organizations and human rights monitors to be given immediate access to the country, including to all detention facilities.]
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In my opinion you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
It is scandal!