Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter -

Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter

Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter - apologise, but

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Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter Video

This anthropology book goes back in time before mankind was a dominant species and explores how we evolved the way we did.

Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter

The book starts off with a question which guides the book's line of thought: Why did Eurasians came to be the dominant human group and not native Americans, New Guineans, Australian Aborigines or SubSaharian groups? The rest follows as a Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter summarized historian account of human evolution around each continent trying to identify various different paths each group took and when major breakthroughs happened. The book is divided into four parts that roughly move along human history: pre food production, food production start, growth after food production, the state of the world through Australia, New Guinea, China, Polynesia and Africa. The main line the author follows is that evolution of human groups was shaped by the environment in which they established themselves. He starts describing how and where early humans distributed themselves throughout the world.

Mankind is supposed to have evolved from 3 ape species in Africa around 7 million years ago. It took 3 million years to achieve an upright position and about 1.

Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter

That's when stone tools started to appear. All of that evolution was restricted to Africa.

My thoughts

It was only about 1 million years ago that we have evidence of humans outside the African continent. About years ago, humans reached the Homo Sapiens stage that we are part of with similar brain sizes and posture. Around that time, humans are in African and all of Eurasia continental Europe and Asia. No boat technology yet available go here Polynesia or Australia are unpopulated. Cold resistant technology was also unavailable so Siberia and the northern parts of Europe and Asian are mostly uninhabited too as well as America which could have been reachable through the Bering straight in Ice Ages due to lower ocean levels.

Neanderthals appear betweenand Capter, years ago and show first signs of burying their dead and caring for the sick.

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Around 50, years ago came what the author calls the Great Leap Forward. It is marked by an evolution in the stone tools used along with jewelry and bone tools which can be shaped more easily than stone. It allows for specialization of tools making them much more efficient at their task and, Stesl, making us more productive and effective.

Around 35, years ago, evidences are found that humans are found in Polynesia, Australia and New Guinea.]

Guns Germs and Steel Chapter by Chapter

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