Gun Control In The Second Amendment -

You: Gun Control In The Second Amendment

Gun Control In The Second Amendment The Merchant Of Venice Essay
Organic Food Is Better Than Conventional Food 2 days ago · What kind of gun control legislation can we expect from Democrats in the next few years? If Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee gets her way, there won’t be a need for a Second Amendment . 6 days ago · Now that the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House of H.R. Gun Control Bill Would End 2nd Amendment Rights – Truth Unmuted If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical. 6 days ago · When politicians insist that they're only in favor of "commonsense" gun control laws, they're lying—every time. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) has introduced H.R. , the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act, which is as audacious as it is is typical, Jackson-Lee named her bill after one of the victims of the shooting at a Texas High School.
Gun Control In The Second Amendment Gun Control In The Second Amendment

The Historical Precedent Isn’t Good

What kind of gun control legislation can we expect from Democrats in the next few years? If Rep. It promises to make felons of millions of Americans while making life miserable for law abiding citizens who own a gun — any Thd — for protection. Basically, her legislation combines all the worst elements of any gun control bill ever proposed with the emotional satisfaction of punishing people who disagree with her and other gun control advocates.

Gun Control In The Second Amendment

The real outrages are in the enforcement provisions that make you wonder if you fell asleep and woke up in North Korea. The registration requirement applies to both currently owned firearms and guns purchased after the bill takes effect.

H.R. 127 is the mask slipping

The bill is a liberal wet dream and not much more. What of Joe Biden? Any gun control legislation is probably not even going to be addressed in his first term.

Gun Control In The Second Amendment

But if Kamala Harris or Biden runs inyou can bet gun control will be on the agenda. Gun control fanatics are generous contributors to Democratic campaigns and there are bound to be incidents that they can exploit to get the nation angered about guns. The next decade will see the Second Amendment in mortal danger as it never has been before.

And with the NRA largely sidelined, the radicals think this will be the time to strike. Share Tweet. Scott Applewhite.

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Gun Control In The Second Amendment

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