God Is Not Worthy Of Worship - amazonia.fiocruz.br

God Is Not Worthy Of Worship Video

Worthy of It All - Worship Moment - Bethany Wohrle God Is Not Worthy Of Worship. God Is Not Worthy Of Worship

Channel: Hamza Tzortzis.

God Is Not Worthy Of Worship

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God Is Not Worthy Of Worship

My son's a career. He is my eldest son is 10 years old now, I'm delinda. And he goes to the Muslim scouts.

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And in the Muslim scouts, they do this, like Muslim Muslim Olympics. Yeah, it's really cool. You have like children, there are or children in this auditorium. And they're doing, you know, Olympic running and all the different types of sports. And, you know, I tried to be a father When, when, when I can, when I went when I tried to be, you know, mellow, make me a good dad.

Episode Notes

I Wkrthy thinking, so I wanted to give him advice. And I said to him, you know, as a career, it's not about winning, who's doing the meter races, it's not about winning that career. It's about being the best version of yourself having a sense https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/pathetic-fallacy-examples/review-of-cyrano-de-bergerac.php sn, right, because Allah is giving you tools and gifts, you don't know what they are.]

One thought on “God Is Not Worthy Of Worship

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