Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers -

Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers

Civics & History

Date published: Aug 17 John BlackSmith. Posted in: Blog Tags: essay on vandalism. Teenagers are the generation that will bring the fundamental changes in our society one day.

Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers

It can be still very difficult to determine what is good and what is bad when you are in adolescence. That is why teenagers face many social problems. Vandalism has become one of the heaviest problems among teenagers nowadays.


It is considered to be a crime against beauty. The vandalism is caused by the desire of teenagers to express themselves and be noticed.

Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers

There are a lot of young people who just seek attention because they are deprived of parental care or abused at schools. Teenagers become braver to do vandalism. But what exactly causes such behavior? Vandalism is the action involving damage or deliberate destruction of private and public property. The places that are usually vandalized are schools, parks, public places, railway stations, and bus stations. People who are responsible for vandalism do not respect the public property and do not care about the community they live in. There can be many reasons why people can do such horrible things.]

Essay On Teenagers And Modern Teenagers

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