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Erasmus A Pioneer For The Reformation | 4 days ago · Title: Citation: Location: P. ABC for Book Collectors: Carter: ZC37 4: American National Biography: ANB: amazonia.fiocruz.br: 3. 4 hours ago · Erasmus Question 16 1 out of 1 points In Plato's Republic, he Selected Answer: a. described a perfect state ruled by the intellectual elite. Question 17 1 out of 1 points The child depravity theory held that the corruptive weakness of children could be corrected by Selected Answer: b. authoritarian teaching techniques. Question 18 1 out of 1. 2 days ago · INAUGURAL LECTURE ON THE STUDY OF HISTORY. Lord Acton. Delivered at Cambridge, June Fellow Students—I look back to–day to a time before the middle of the century, when I was reading at Edinburgh and fervently wishing to come to this University. |
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Skip to content. British Books American Books Sci. Title Citation Location P. C22 21 The Carl H. Millard Architectural Collection Vol 1. Printing and the Mind of Man. Erasmus A Pioneer For The ReformationErasmus A Pioneer For The Reformation - interesting
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences [a] is a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in by Martin Luther , professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg , Germany. They advance Luther's positions against what he saw as the abuse of the practice of clergy selling plenary indulgences , which were certificates believed to reduce the temporal punishment in purgatory for sins committed by the purchasers or their loved ones. In the Theses , Luther claimed that the repentance required by Christ in order for sins to be forgiven involves inner spiritual repentance rather than merely external sacramental confession. He argued that indulgences led Christians to avoid true repentance and sorrow for sin, believing that they could forgo it by purchasing an indulgence. These indulgences, according to Luther, discouraged Christians from giving to the poor and performing other acts of mercy, believing that indulgence certificates were more spiritually valuable. Though Luther claimed that his positions on indulgences accorded with those of the Pope , the Theses challenge a 14th-century papal bull stating that the pope could use the treasury of merit and the good deeds of past saints to forgive temporal punishment for sins. The Theses are framed as propositions to be argued in debate rather than necessarily representing Luther's opinions, but Luther later clarified his views in the Explanations of the Disputation Concerning the Value of Indulgences. Luther sent the Theses enclosed with a letter to Albert of Brandenburg , Archbishop of Mainz , on 31 October , a date now considered the start of the Reformation and commemorated annually as Reformation Day. Luther may have also posted the Ninety-five Theses on the door of All Saints' Church and other churches in Wittenberg, in accordance with University custom, on 31 October or in mid-November.Navigation menu
Fellow Students—I look back to—day to a time before the middle of the century, when I was reading at Edinburgh and fervently wishing to come to this University. At three colleges I applied for admission, and, as things then were, I was refused by all. Here, from the first, I vainly iPoneer my hopes, and here, in a happier hour, after five—and—forty years, they are at last fulfilled.

I desire, first, to speak to you of that which I may reasonably call source Unity of Modern History, as an easy approach to questions necessary to be met on the threshold by any one occupying this place, which my predecessor has made so formidable to me by the reflected lustre of his name.
You have often heard it said that Modern History is a subject to which neither beginning nor end can be assigned.
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No beginning, because the read article web of the fortunes of man is woven without a void; because, in society as in nature, the structure is continuous, and we can trace things back uninterruptedly, until we dimly descry the Declaration of Independence in the forests of Germany. No end, because, on the same principle, history made and history making are scientifically Erasmus A Pioneer For The Reformation and separately unmeaning. For the science of politics is the one science that is deposited by the stream of history, like grains of gold in the sand of a river; and the knowledge of the past, the record of truths revealed by experience, is eminently practical, as an instrument of action and a power that goes to the making of the future. Meantime, we do well to acknowledge the points at which the two epochs diverge.

For the contemporary differs from the modern in this, that many of Erasmu facts cannot by us be definitely ascertained. The living do not give up their secrets with the candour of the dead; one key is always excepted, and a generation passes before we can ensure accuracy. Common report and outward seeming are bad copies of the reality, as the initiated know it.

Even of a thing so memorable as the war ofthe true cause is still obscure; much that we believed has been scattered to the winds in the last six months, and further revelations by important Pionser are about to appear. The use of history turns far more on certainty than on abundance of acquired information.
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Beyond the question of certainty is the question of detachment. The process by which principles are discovered and appropriated is other than that by which, in practice, they are applied; and our most sacred and disinterested convictions ought to take shape in the tranquil regions of the air, above the tumult and the tempest of active life. History compels us to fasten on abiding issues, and rescues us from the temporary and transient. Politics and history are interwoven, but are not commensurate. Erasmus A Pioneer For The Reformation is a domain that reaches farther than affairs of state, and is not subject to the jurisdiction of governments.
It is our function to keep in view and to command the movement of ideas, which are not the effect but the cause of public events;5 and even to allow some priority to ecclesiastical history over civil, since, by reason of the graver issues concerned, and the vital consequences of error, it opened the way in research, and was the first to be treated by close reasoners and scholars of the higher rank.]
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