Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession - speaking, recommend

Technology forms an integral part of our daily lives. Since the beginning of time the world has seen constant technological advancement driven by the need to make complex and time-consuming tasks easier. In recent years more emphasis has been placed on integrating technological systems in order to improve task-efficiency and reduce dependency on humans. The aforementioned has become known as the fourth industrial revolution 4IR. The latter refers to the development, implementation and integration of smart technologies in society. Schwab as cited by Hirschi, describes it as the digitisation and automation of tasks and processes. Computers are capable of sorting and computing data faster and more accurately than humans. Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession.

Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession Video

How is the Accounting Profession Changing?│5 Accounting Trends│The Future of Accounting

The course provides a concise overview of the leading technologies and economic forces reshaping the accounting profession and how accountants are using new digital business models to thrive in the face of rapid and seismic change.

Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession

Discover how accountants-once largely enterprise passengers and navigators - are elevating their role using cyber tools and becoming pilots of global business. You'll walk away with a simple yet effective game plan to keep up with exploding digital transformation and translate technology ambitions into practical reality.

This link may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event. Profession

Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession

Upon completion of the course you will have learned how to:. Overview 2.

Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession

The major link that will be covered in the course include: Leading macro economic and technology forces Key technology trends in accounting New generation of online accounting services Accounting and automation Overarching implications How to embrace the new normal and thrive in the face of technology change.

Accounting professionals at all levels who want to better understand how technology is driving change in the business world and accounting industry.]

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