Dignity and Sacrifice Depicted in Gaines A - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Dignity and Sacrifice Depicted in Gaines A

A complete list of books in the series is available from the publisher. ISBN alk. Women in Christianity- History- Early church, ca. Women in Chistianity-History-MiddleAges, Christian women saints-History. Christian hagiography- History.

Document Information

Title II. Hagiography and Sacred Models 2. Gender, Hagiography, and the Bible Notes Bibliography Woman of Samaria at the well. Francesco Traini P. Mary of Egypt receiving the Sacrament. Saint Radegund at the table with the king, praying in her oratory, and prostrate on the floor.

My deepest thanks go to Thomas Noble for introducing me to the critical study of hagiography, for his great skill in communicating the vital importance of these texts to the study of late antiquity, and for his steadfast support. I greatly appreciate the mentoring of Duane Osheim, who guided me through my early study of gender and Christian spiritu- ality.

I should also like to thank Jerome Singerman of the University of Pennsylvania Press as well as the Press' two anonymous readers of the manuscript, whose thoughtful suggestions helped me to clarify certain sec- tions of the book.

Lucy Noakes, Claire Langhamer, and Claudia Siebrecht

This book could not have been completed without Gainez sup- Dkgnity. The year I spent at Bates College in Maine was crucial to the initial phases of this project, and I should like to express my gratitude to my col- leagues in history there, particularly Michael Jones and Margaret Creigh- ton. A National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend allowed https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/perception-checking-examples/family-therapy-the-key-objectives-of-therapists.php to devote three uninterrupted months to research.

The Ful- bright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas awarded me a one-year fellowship at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, and the history department made it possible to accept the award. I appreciate the support I received from many new friends and col- leagues in Cambridge while I was writing the book. I am deeply indebted to Betty Wood, who shared her home with its whimsical garden across from Jesus Green and her cats, Miss Ruthie and Mr. Source also thank Michael Gainea for his great dexterity as an editor and Tricia Dignity and Sacrifice Depicted in Gaines A for her wit, erudition, and companionship. There are a number of individuals who have had a direct influence on this undertaking. I thank David and Marilyn Appleby for their hos- pitality and willingness to help me with final details.

XlI Acknowledgments. At the University of Arkansas, my friend and colleague, Lynn Jacobs, has been extremely helpful both in terms of referring me to the works of art historians and in reading early versions of the manuscript. I would also like to thank Jeremy Hyman for his willingness to discuss with me the her- meneutics of Leviticus and Exodus.

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And, to my humanities teaching team, Charles Adams, Ethel Goodstein, and David Fredrick, I extend special thanks for introducing me to scholarly theories in the fields of literary criti- cism, classics, gender, sexuality, and architectural history. My students in medieval history at the University of Arkansas have contributed to this book in more ways than can be recounted here, particularly John Arnold, Jennifer Howard, and Mary Thurlkill, all of whom are extraordinary hagiologers. I would like to thank those special friends in Fayetteville whose guid- ance and tireless labors saw this book to its completion. I cherish my neigh- bors' Mary Gussman, Karin Herrmann, and Martha Middleton, and thank them for enduring my ups and downs while working on this book. I remain grateful to Sacriflce colleague and friend, Elizabeth Payne, for her insightful comments see more the role of gender in historical narrative.]

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