Cybercrime A Threat E Private -

Cybercrime A Threat E Private

Cybercrime A Threat E Private - delirium, opinion

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Cybercrime A Threat E Private Video

How Cybercriminals Can Use Your Social Media Activity Against You

Who does not shop online in this day and age to purchase products and services? Who does not want to be able to choose from a myriad of options, compare shapes, sizes, colours, and prices, all from the convenience of the home without having to physically go to a store? Add to that the accessibility to products globally!


Well, I believe, almost everyone does online shopping today, and numbers are increasing each day! The Covid pandemic drove people to start purchasing everyday goods online and forced even non-online shoppers to move to online shopping. So, what do eCommerce Priate need to do to stay current, competitive, attract new customers, and provide their customers with a seamless and satisfying shopping experience?

As the entire eCommerce business is digital and online, the primary source of threats to the companies is cyber-attacks.

Cybercrime A Threat E Private

To what kinds of information security measures eCommerce companies should adopt, let us first look at few of the common and harmful cyber threats plaguing these businesses. This is the most common affliction of an online shopping website and is increasing day-by-day. Hackers frequently use the dark web to purchase stolen credit card information. They then Cybercrime A Threat E Private to locate accounts of the persons whose card information they have stolen on various eCommerce websites, attempt to hack into them, and use the card information to make fraudulent purchases. If the company is not able to identify and prevent such transactions, it results into loss of valuable products and angry customers.

There is also loss of significant amounts of money as they need to pay back the scammed customers, and damage to reputation to deal with.

Cybercrime A Threat E Private

E-skimming is another attack method that hackers use to steal credit card and other personal information from eCommerce transactions, but this happens during the payment process. This threat exists if the payment process stages are not seamless, or if there are misleading links on the screen to an external site or payment portal where hackers are waiting to capture the card information in real-time as the customer enters the details.

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This type of attack is on the rise ; attackers use a variety of methods like misleading links, phishing, cross-site scripting, etc. Hackers have also begun to use automation techniques to run the skimming operations. In Thdeat DDoS Cybercrime A Threat E Private, a hacker floods the servers of the eCommerce website with thousands of requests from potentially untraceable sources i. The purpose of this attack Cybercrime A Threat E Private to make the shopping platform unavailable to customers by disrupting services between the website and the servers. The occurrence of this attack increases during popular sales periods like end Cyberctime year offers special holiday discounts, launch and heavy discount of an awaited product etc.

If customers cannot avail the products and services at such times, they lose trust and confidence in the company and subsequently, the company is poised for heavy damage in reputation and financial losses. Malware are software designed to achieve malicious results against a target.

Malwares are extremely diverse in the outcomes they are designed to generate; some are listed below:. We can see how malware can have far-reaching, expensive, and destructive impacts on eCommerce businesses if they are not constantly vigilant and do not adopt updated preventative information security measures. We mentioned above how hackers today are using automated techniques for credit card skimming operations.


They are also designed to behave like real users, in that, they can progress through a transaction exactly like a person. It can be very difficult to tell a bot apart from a real person. Bad bots have made hacking activities easier and more intense as they can perform the same action repeatedly thousands of times within seconds. They are used to perform attacks on eCommerce platforms such as:. Any eCommerce business must meet four basic principles that are Cybercrime A Threat E Private for conducting secure online transactions. These are:. Privacy: Any information exchanged or saved on the online shopping platform must be safeguarded against unauthorised entities.

This Prlvate personal account information, passwords, addresses, card details, even shopping history. The company should have a policy as to how they Tyreat this information and make it known to their customers, however, any external and unauthorised party should not have access to the data. Integrity: The saved and exchanged information cannot be altered by an unauthorised third party.]

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