Crucible Quote Explication -

Crucible Quote Explication Crucible Quote Explication Crucible Quote Explication

In telling the story of a New England so gripped by hysteria they killed many of their own residents, The Crucible explores the tension between the repressive forces of a social order and individual freedom. The antagonist in Https:// Crucible is broadly the town of Salem, Quotr residents temporarily lose their sense of community and vilify one another.

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But the hysteria of the witch hunts exposes long-simmering resentments and grievances. Proctor attacks Parris for focusing on everything other Crucible Quote Explication prayer in his sermons, chastises Putnam for obsessing over his land as a means to increasing his influence, and teases Giles for generally causing trouble throughout Salem. The inciting incident of the play occurs when Abigail confesses to witchcraft and the accusations rapidly Crucible Quote Explication out of control. The town, already on the brink of fracture, quickly falls apart and neighbor turns on neighbor both as a way of releasing past anger and also out of fear of being implicated in the witch hunts. Easily become a Expliaction hero by simply helping out HSC students. Just by donating your resources to our library!

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