Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics -

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics - thanks for

The web of the late 90s was a cornucopia of wonder, delight, and inspiration. So was the blogosophere of the early s. I know a lot of us are nostalgic for those eras, and depressed about how things have turned out. And then something wonderful happens. Today he posted a stunning new visualization of plate tectonics. His name is John Ousey, and this happened almost 50 years ago. What always stuck with me is the way he presented it. Back then, plate tectonics was a new idea. As Mr. Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics - sorry, can

These plates move around at the same rate that your fingernails grow, bumping into, sliding next to and tumbling under and over each other — and in doing so, they sculpt the face of the world. Half a century ago, the theory of plate tectonics had just been accepted by an initially skeptical scientific community. The science was in its infancy. Older computerized simulations tended to recreate the movements of the continents alone, showing them drifting about on an undynamic blue ocean background like croutons bobbing about in soup. This time around, the scientists tried a new approach.

Answers 1.

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics

Dayton Martinez 3 May, 0. These two theories are related because they are continuity from one another.

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The theory of plate tectonics insinuates that the crust layer is broken into multiple pieces, this is caused by the pressure of the mantle layer, which managed to break the crust where it is thinner. The theory of continental drift insinuates that the tectonic plates move around the Earth because of the pressure from the hot semi-liquid mantle layer.

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