Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind -

Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind

You can say almost anything about Jesus Christ, according to Dorothy L. Sayers, but you cannot say that he is dull. Nor can you find the murder of God tedious. But, she says, the average Christian does just that.

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Primarily known for her Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories, Sayers was also a Christian humanist, dramatist and translator. She was two-thirds finished translating Paradiso when she died suddenly. Sayers was the only child of an Anglican minister and his wife. Her father was the chaplain of Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, England, when she was born and later moved the family to Bluntisham, where he was the rector of the small church near the Fens.

Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind

Her parents nurtured her love of religion, reading and later the theater. Her father taught her Latin, French and Here. But during her adolescence and young adulthood, Sayers became troubled by dreary liturgies and the hypocrisy she found in the church.

As a teenager, she wrote poems mocking religion.

As she grew older, her writing captured how disturbed she was by individuals who believed the goal of faith was to protect cultural traditions. She disliked ugly stained glass windows, milquetoast Christians who lacked imagination, poorly written homilies and saccharine religious art. Bothered about people caring more for social status than with the Nicene Creed, she argued that it was essential for Christians to be familiar with the dogma contained in the creeds and especially that derived from the first four ecumenical councils of the church. Honored Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind write a play for Canterbury Cathedral, which in had presented T. She found playwriting inspiring as she saw the effect of actors delivering her words to the audience. This led her to develop her concept of the importance of work and of the nature of the creative process in her most significant book, The Mind of the Maker Here, she discusses what it means to make almost anything, from a garden to a poem, in ways that correspond to the dynamic relation among the three persons of the Trinity in Christian theology explaining how the activity of one illuminates the activity of the other.

Sayersargues convincingly that Sayers has been largely overlooked by here academy because she wrote detective stories, bestsellers and religious drama. Downing also refers to circumstances in her own life, which at times seem a stretch and beside the point.

After she ended her career as a mystery writer, Sayers focused on Christian drama for stage and radio. How could this happen? If Jesus Christ was true God true man as stated in the Creed, then his crucifixion and death amounted to the murder of God.

He was not crucified, as Sayers explains, because of his kindly nature.

Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind

He was put to death because he was a threat to the status quo. Yet, Christians, Sayers says, are not called to denounce the murder of God. National Catholic Reporter. You must be logged in to post a comment. Dorotby unique feature helps while traveling. Now along with Mass times, schedules and Catholic news you can also watch daily Catholic Mass online with your friends. Join us as we celebrate Mass daily from various parishes around the world, online and offline, and please visit daily to pray with us as we recite the Rosary, offer daily scripture, readings, devotions and Catholic focused news.

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Christian Beliefs In Dorothy Sayerss The Mind

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