Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The -

Topic: Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The

Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The 545
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Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The

Doctors are linking up with patients by phone, email and webcam.

Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The

Patients, meanwhile, are using new devices to relay their blood pressure, heart rate and other vital signs to their doctors so they can manage chronic conditions at home. Five to 10 times a day, Doctors Without Borders relays questions about tough cases from its physicians in Niger, South Sudan and elsewhere to its network of experts around the world, and back again via the internet.

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After years of big promises, telemedicine is finally living up to its potential. Telemedicine also allows for better care in places where medical expertise is hard to come by. To Read the Full Story. Subscribe Sign In. Continue reading your article with a WSJ membership. Sponsored Offers.


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