Benefits Of Using Guava Leaves Video
health benefits of guava leaves and its side effects Benefits Of Using Guava Leaves.We all know the guava fruit provides certain health benefits to our body. But did you know that even guava leaves offer much health benefits as well?
Check out these 9 surprising and amazing benefits you can reap from this Usinf leaf. Moreover, it prevents the absorption of sucrose and maltose by the body, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. Drinking guava leaf tea for 12 weeks lowers the blood sugar levels without increasing insulin production. Besides, the guava leaves are a great liver tonic.
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Eat 1 guava daily to develop resistance against common diseases like coughs, colds and the flu. You can also enjoy guava in smoothies or salads, or drink a cup of tea made from guava leaves daily. These compounds work as potent antioxidants that help neutralize free-radical damage in the body, which can cause cancer.
According to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, researchers concluded that guava extract could help reduce the size of prostate tumors. In fact, regular intake of guava extract can help reduce the incidence of prostate cancer in men. Regular intake of guava can also help prevent other types of cancer, including breast, mouth, skin, stomach, continue reading and lung cancer.
This is because guava leaf extract can increase the number of platelets in the blood and is not toxic at all. For uGava purpose 9 pieces of guava Benefits Of Using Guava Leaves should be boiled in 5 cups of water until 3 cups of water is left.
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After straining and cooling, a cup of this concoction should be given to the patient thrice a day. Moreover, Benefiys compounds found in guava leaves are effective in blocking all allergic reactions. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that can damage your body at the cellular This can lead to signs of aging like wrinkled and saggy skin, dryness and a dull complexion.
The vitamin C in guava stimulates production of collagen and elastin, the structural proteins that help keep your skin firm and elastic.
Eat guava daily to enjoy healthy skin. You can also rinse your skin with a decoction made of immature fruit and leaves. Share this post: Pinterest.]
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