Architect of the Byzantine Legacy Video
The Entire History of Ottoman Empire Explained in 7 Minutes Architect of the Byzantine LegacyThus, Byzantine art includes work created from the fourth century to the fifteenth century and encompassing parts of the Italian peninsula, the eastern edge of the Slavic world, Architect of the Byzantine Legacy Middle East, and North Africa. So what is Byzantine art, and what do we mean when we use this term? Early Byzantine c. The Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity and in moved his capital from Rome to Constantinople modern-day Istanbulat the eastern frontier of the Check this out Empire. Christianity flourished and gradually supplanted the Greco-Roman gods that had once defined Roman religion and culture. This religious shift dramatically affected the art that was created across the empire.
The earliest Christian churches were built during this period, including the famed Hagia Sophia abovewhich was built in the sixth century under Emperor Justinian. Decorations for the interior of churches, including icons and mosaics, were also made during this period. Icons, such as the Virgin Theotokos and Child between Saints Theodore and George leftserved as tools for the faithful to access the spiritual world—they served as spiritual gateways. Similarly, mosaics, such as those within the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna, sought to evoke the heavenly realm. In this work, ethereal figures seem Architect of the Byzantine Legacy float against a gold background that is representative of no identifiable earthly space. By placing these figures in a spiritual world, the mosaics gave worshipers some access to that world as well.
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At the same time, there source real-world political messages affirming the power of the rulers in these mosaics. In this sense, art of the Byzantine Empire continued some of the traditions of Roman art. Generally speaking, Byzantine art differs from the art of the Romans in that it is interested in depicting that which we cannot see—the intangible world of Heaven and the spiritual. Thus, the Greco-Roman interest in depth and naturalism is replaced by an interest in flatness and mystery.
Byzantine art
The Middle Byzantine period followed a period of crisis for the arts called the Iconoclastic Controversy, when the use of religious images was hotly contested. Iconoclasts those who worried that the use of images was idolatrousdestroyed images, leaving few surviving images from the Early Byzantine period.

Fortunately for art history, those in favor of images won the fight and hundreds of years of Byzantine artistic production followed. The stylistic and thematic interests of the Early Byzantine period continued during link Middle Byzantine period, with a focus on building churches and decorating their interiors. There were some significant changes in empire, however, that brought about some change in the arts.
First, the influence of the empire spread into the Slavic world with the Russian adoption of Orthodox Christianity in the tenth century. Byzantine art was therefore given new life in the Slavic lands. Architecture in the Middle Byzantine period overwhelmingly moved toward the centralized cross-in-square plan for which Byzantine architecture is best known. These churches were usually on a much smaller-scale than the massive Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, but, like Hagia Sophia, the roofline of these churches was always defined Architect of the Byzantine Legacy a dome or domes.

This period also saw increased ornamentation on church exteriors. A particularly good example of this is the tenth-century Hosios Loukas Monastery in Greece above. This was also a period of increased stability and wealth.

As such, wealthy patrons commissioned private luxury items, including carved ivories, such as the celebrated Harbaville Tryptich above and belowwhich was used as a private devotional object. Like the sixth-century icon discussed above Virgin Theotokos and Lgeacy between Saints Theodore and Georgeit helped the viewer gain access to the heavenly realm.
Interestingly, the heritage of the Greco-Roman world can be seen here, in the awareness of mass and space. See for example the subtle breaking of the straight fall of drapery by the right knee that of Ibm forward in the two figures in the bottom register of the Harbaville Triptych left.
This interest in representing the body with some naturalism is reflective of a revived interest in the classical past Architect of the Byzantine Legacy this period.
A beginner's guide
There were many political and religious interests as well as distinct cultural forces that shaped the art of different periods and regions within the Byzantine Empire. Between andthe Byzantine Empire suffered another crisis: the Latin Occupation. Crusaders from Western Europe invaded and captured Constantinople intemporarily toppling the empire in an attempt to bring the eastern empire back into the fold of western Christendom. By this point Christianity had divided into two distinct camps: eastern [Orthodox] Christianity in the Byzantine Empire and western [Latin] Christianity in the European west.]
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