Application Of Modern Ministry Settings -

Application Of Modern Ministry Settings Application Of Modern Ministry Settings.

This four-year initiative, which is funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment, aims to address challenges that pastors face in their congregational settings.

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Participants will build their capacity to thrive in ministry through personal goal setting, congregational support teams, and participation in a cohort of colleagues and mentors. Together they will develop and share Moedrn practices and build and sustain collegial relationships essential to ministerial well-being. Seven online cohort groups, comprised of eight participants and two mentors, will begin this spring and continue for one year. Ruth Perkins Lee, director of the Thriving in Ministry initiative, encouraged pastors to consider applying.

Application Of Modern Ministry Settings

Applications are due by March 12, and the online opening retreat is scheduled for April 16 and CBF pastors are invited to apply online at www. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Application Of Modern Ministry Settings

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