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Analysis Of We Read You Know We Analysis Of We Read You Know We

Subscriber Account active since. Free subscriber-exclusive audiobook! Diversity within the administration is important.

Racial/ethnic diversity

The presidency Red America's highest office, and its members represent those who will be decision-makers for years to come. It also serves as a model for how teams in corporate settings ought to be structured to achieve the best results, said Jitinder Kohli, a managing director at Deloitte who specializes in public-sector performance. The results suggest Biden and his team have mostly succeeded, but in some areas more than others.

While Biden's Cabinet and senior White House staff have diversity in gender and racial makeup, our analysis showed, there is an overrepresentation of people from the East Coast, those with Ivy League degrees, and lawyers, which researchers suggest is typical in government but not necessarily the most effective for optimal decision-making.

Analysis Of We Read You Know We

For more information on how we conducted our study, see the methodology section below. Data for gender, age, and sexual orientation was gathered in Anaysis with government diversity nonprofit Inclusive America. This is a point-in-time analysis and reflects the Cabinet and senior White House staff as of February 5, Most discussions about diversity tend to focus on racial and ethnic background, which research has repeatedly shown to be a crucial factor in creating smarter teams and better outcomes.

Of the people of color, many represent Anxlysis first person of their race to lead specific departments, or the first person of their race to serve in the Cabinet. While data on racial identity for people of Analysis Of We Read You Know We in the Cabinet and White House staff was available, data was not as readily available for those who fell in the non-Hispanic white category. Because of this limitation, and to avoid assigning or assuming a person's race, our analysis and the chart below exclude data on non-Hispanic whites.

Executive Summary

Historically, white men have held a majority, and sometimes all, of the positions at the top of the government. The first woman didn't serve in a presidential Cabinet untilwhen Frances Perkins was nominated by President Franklin Roosevelt to serve as the secretary of labor. Sinceeach president, regardless of political affiliation, has nominated at least three women to his Cabinet. Biden is set to break records in female representation.

Analysis Of We Read You Know We

Of the 25 members in the Cabinet or Cabinet-level officials who were nominated or approved at the time of our analysis, 12 were women. Our gender analysis includes only cisgender men and women because there was no information that anyone hired to the senior White House staff or the Cabinet did not fall into these gender identities. For our analysis, Insider grouped people into these categories: age 30 link 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and 70 to While there is diversity among the age ranges we used for the analysis, we can gain more context by understanding which generation the ages represent.

Who We Are

Inpeople age 25 to 40 are part of the millennial generation; those age 41 to 56 are part of Gen X; 57 to 75 are part of the baby-boomer generation; and 76 to 93 are part of the postwar generation. Most people in our analysis fell into the Gen X or boomer generations, with 17 people in the millennial generation. Because of a lack of available data on the majority of the people appointed or nominated to Biden's administration, we did not have enough data to quantify the diversity in sexual orientation. But there are a few notable achievements in this area: Pete Buttigieg will be the first openly gay person to lead a department in the Cabinet in US history, and Karine Jean-Pierre will be the first openly lesbian person to serve as the vice-presidential chief of staff.

A Gallup poll found that 10 million US adults, or 4. Among millennials, Analysis Of We Read You Know We. Mark Hanis, the founder of the nonprofit Inclusive America, which promotes government diversity, said LGBTQ representation matters, as do all forms of representation, for three reasons: increased productivity and effectiveness, a more moral democracy, and a legally compliant work environment.]

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