Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook -

Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook

There is something reassuring about talking about mental health in the 21st century. To think back over the decades, there were instances where to have any of the major diagnoses is to achieve unwanted astigmatism. Good people were mentally sound. People with depression or anger issues were seen as different, unable to ever be accepted by the general public.

I can only imagine where the conversation goes in the decades ahead.

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What seems strange is that Silver Linings Playbook was considered to be a major turning point for that conversation. On the one hand, it was hailed as this romantic comedy that deconstructed the tropes by Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook the humanity of two unstable people. They were, after all, existing in the throes of romantic comedy tropes first and foremost. I do believe that there are still some subversive intentions, but what he does with the premise is much more than understanding why Pat finds this profound connection with Tiffany. However, Quick understands much clearer what the film wants to skirt by, and what I found was something much more fascinating and rewarding.

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The one factor that I feel makes the book superior is how it handles the exploration of sports as its own form Pllaybook addiction and bonding. Mind you, I am not an NFL fan. I recognize the emotional devastation when it goes horribly wrong The Clippers still owe me for that loss in The Bubble!

Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook

Still, I recognize how sports work as a bonding tool not only for Pat but for his family. It connects him with his father, to the loyal fans at tailgate parties. There are whole sequences where Quick explores the rituals of going Analysis of Silver Linings Playbook tents with these people and finding their own form of sanity. Of course, Quick also chooses to paint the whole thing like a diary that unfolds in ways that are brilliant. For Pat, the easiest way is to use pop culture, specifically framing his life like a film where he deconstructs the tropes of his life in hopes of understanding the best ways to get back with his ex.

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On the one hand, these are all elements that are meant to be flashy, creating a unique perspective on a familiar mental health story. It stumbles out awkwardly, occasionally finding him relapsing and other times making basic revelations that may seem obvious to the reader. Pat is far from that archetype, and in fact, feels like someone who is more familiar with the American canon.]

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