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The nexus between the digital revolution and adolescent sexual behavior has posed significant challenges to mental health practitioners, attorneys, and educators. These digital technologies may facilitate dangerous behaviors and serious consequences for some youth. This online resource Sexhal adolescent sexual behavior in both clinical and legal contexts and provides a basis for clinicians, legal professionals, educators, policy makers, parents and the general public to understand the impact that technology has on human growth and development. It fosters an interdisciplinary dialogue within the text, and subjects covered Adolescence Sexual Development "sexting," social networking, cyber-sexual harassment, commercial exploitation of children, read article child pornography.
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Edited by Fabian Saleh, Albert Grudzinskas, and Abigail Judge
Oxford Medicine Online. Publications Pages Publications Pages. Recently viewed 0 Save Search.

Read More. Grudzinskas, Jr. Brady, Fabian M. Martin Malin and Fabian M. Saleh, Barry N. Feldman, Albert J. All rights reserved.

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