7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do - amazonia.fiocruz.br

7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do

7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do Video

7 Mistakes That Confident Men DON'T Make 7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do

Oh, you expected everything to go as planned? You expected this journey to be as simple and joyful as a nice frolic through a field of daisies? This entrepreneurial pursuit is not linear. As Elon Musk once said:.

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In this sense, raw positivity can serve to be your greatest weakness. Positivity breeds expectations. Unmet expectations lead to disappointment. Disappointment leads to discouragement. Discouragement leads to giving up.

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Giving up leads to failure. This is because the optimist expects greatness as a reward for his progressive actions without regard for unaccounted external circumstances — as if simply working towards a Entrepreneurw is enough. In turn, the optimist becomes naive and blind to the randomness reality presents. When one is naive, they become highly susceptible — emotionally and practically — to any dangers that may arise. In essence, black swans are the unpredictable unknown unknowns that pose a catastrophic danger. They creep into your workflow and sidewind you into a pit of despair. To be overly optimistic is to potentially ignore the possibilities of these random occurrences. This Nver leads to huge consequences because you become blind to such calamitous events. A quote from literary critic Cyril Connoly comes to mind:. Rarely anything 7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do as planned. We were so gassed up on our progress and short-term accomplishments that we became possessed with a degree of optimism that led us to ignore the possibility of future impediments.

The lack of expectation for failure made my team ignore the steps needed to mitigate such events.

7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do

One way to draw focus away from the illusion of a bee-line path is to simply focus on the process, but another effective means that improves upon the prior solution is to simply — as the Boy Scout motto Conrident — be prepared. You might see this as highly counter-intuitive given that we are always encouraged to see the glass half full.

7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do

Self-help books and gurus drill into your head the idea that positive thinking and cheerfulness are the primary means of putting you into the driver's seat to the Valhalla of your business goals. The harsh truth is that everything can fall apart at any given moment.

Kathy Ireland

Nothing is so straightforward so best believe that the road ahead will be saturated with complications. You need to march forward fully expecting that at some point, everything may turn to ash. The odds are against you.

7 Things Confident Entrepreneurs Never Do

This should simply be a reality you need to meditate upon. To the Stoics, this practice is known as Premeditatio Malorum — the premeditation of the evils and troubles that might lie ahead. One must psychologically prepare themselves for the unexpected blows of fate through negative visualization. To think Enyrepreneurs is to arm yourself against the trials of the future. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death.

And that is why it is always Day One at Amazon.]

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