What Are Social Constructs - amazonia.fiocruz.br

What Are Social Constructs What Are Social Constructs

We have created a lot of the concepts we are so familiar with.

Well, it is exactly as it sounds. It is something that is not inherently natural, but created by society.

What Are Social Constructs

It is an extremely important concept in the social sciences because without them, society would not be the same. The constructs very much shape our lives. But we also shape them.

What Are Social Constructs

If the existing society changed, new constructs would develop and old ones may weaken. Different societies have different constructs; what is the "norm" here may clash Construcgs what is the "norm" in another country. If government wasn't a social construct, there wouldn't be so many differing opinions on what is the "best type of government".

There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites.

What Are Social Constructs

Gender is not inherent. Genders are the socially constructed roles, behaviors, etc. The values tied to masculinity have been generally seen as superior to those associated with femininity. Societies diagnosis differently, and treat the patients differently.

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Therefore, the concept of illness is constructed. If it wasn't there wouldn't be as much of a variety of treatments for the "same illness". The stereotypical family Whaat varies from culture to culture; there is no inherent family structure. Among other things, organized religion was created by humans as a way of connecting to each other. The importance and impact of technology isn't the same for every society.]

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