Visit Report to the Thames Barrier -

Visit Report to the Thames Barrier Video

How the Thames Barrier protects London from flooding.

Visit Report to the Thames Barrier - simply

The Thames Barrier is a retractable barrier system that is designed to prevent the floodplain of most of Greater London from being flooded by exceptionally high tides and storm surges moving up from the North Sea. It has been operational since When needed, it is closed raised during high tide; at low tide, it can be opened to restore the river's flow towards the sea. Flooding in London has been a problem since the city was first established in Roman times. In Sir Hermann Bondi was asked to take an independent view of the situation. He considered the estimated construction costs and the probability of a flood and of damage if the barrier was not built. He strongly recommended that a barrier should be built in order to avoid the catastrophe of flooding central London, and a site was agreed at Woolwich. The barrier protects central London against a storm surge, caused when a deep depression forms to the north of Scotland and progresses across the North Sea and south-easterly towards southern Scandinavia. When such a surge coincides with a high spring tide , the high winds associated with the depression can funnel the water up the Thames Estuary and cause surges of up to 3. Visit Report to the Thames Barrier Visit Report to the Thames Barrier

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Visit Report to the Thames Barrier

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Visit Report to the Thames Barrier

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Visit Report to the Thames Barrier

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