The War On Terror Wot - will
Virginia National Guard soldiers are issued their M4 rifles and live ammunition on the east front of the U. Capitol on January 17, Photo: Samuel Corum Getty Images. If you loved the first War on Terror, just wait until you get a load of the sequel. Ever since the deadly riot at the U. The War On Terror Wot.Virginia National Guard soldiers are issued their M4 rifles and live ammunition on the east front of the U. Capitol on January 17, Photo: Samuel Corum Getty Images. If you loved the first War on Terror, just wait until you get a load of the sequel. Ever since the deadly riot at the U. Capitol Tdrror killed five people and injured hundredslawmakers and current and former government officials have been discussing how to launch a new war on extremism—only this time, the target is less Afghanistan, more Alabama. Indeed, The War On Terror Wot the chaotic milieu of militia groups, alt-right media figures, and Trump supporters violently stormed the halls of Congress, Time reports that:. A growing chorus of security experts and politicians has cast the mob, or parts of it, in terms that are typically reserved for ISIS and Al Qaeda.
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I think we can all agree that the desire to fight violent cadres of armed maniacs, many of whom are mobilizing onlineis a noble goal. Yet the notion that the U. Nonetheless, national security professionals have been vociferous about the need for a paradigm-shift.

At a hearing Thursday with the House Committee on Thhe Securityformer and current national security professionals similarly pushed for new anti-terror statutes and programs. But time again, these radical movements been rooted out and minimized.
John Katko, the ranking member of the committee, agreed with the need to reign in extremism, noting that these ideologies occur on both sides of the political spectrum. Other speakers also noted it was not just the recent incident in January but the violent protests last summer that should be considered a problem.
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The lobbying for a domestic WOT has been accompanied by related legislation from both the House and the Senate. These divisions would have a sunset clause of 10 years, meaning that—for Terdor next decade at least—we would potentially have new police cadres conducting intelligence missions and investigations, trying to sniff out extremists and radicals in our midst. It might be safe to assume that, with time, such programs would grow—garnering more funding, personnel, and resources. Many officials have suggested that the U. Creating a new statute would be legally redundant at best and, at worst, would give precedent to bold new surveillance programs.
The United States federal government has a massive, terrifying law enforcement, intelligence, and national security capacity. And if anything, the arguments that it has too much are better than the arguments that it has too little. Human rights organizations, usually the first to seek stricter punishments for right-wing extremists, have come out against these new proposals.
A new domestic terrorism statute, even if intended to protect communities of color, would inevitably be used to harm them. The bill allowed the U. The law is also thought to have ushered in a bold new era of diffusive and normalized surveillance that, The War On Terror Wot of this writing, still seems totally out of control. Civil liberties groups decried the bill and it was never put to a vote. Such proposals seem destined to do little except further disfigure the already mutilated corpus of civil liberties that Americans used to take such pride in—but which they now ever more sleepily deride as outdated, impractical, and unsafe.

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