The Rise Of Interwar Fascism -

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Neo-fascism is a post- World War II ideology that includes significant elements of fascism.

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Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalismracial supremacypopulismauthoritarianismnativism The Rise Of Interwar Fascism, xenophobia and anti-immigration sentiment as well as opposition to liberal democracyparliamentarianismliberalismMarxismcommunism and socialism. Allegations that a group is neo-fascist may be hotly contested, especially when the term is used as a political epithet. Some post—World War II regimes have been described as neo-fascist due to their authoritarian nature, and sometimes due source their fascination with and sympathy towards fascist ideology and rituals.

It became one of the chief reference points for the European far-right until the late s, [8] and "the best and only example of a Neofascist party", in the words of political scientist Cas Mudde. What Is Fascism? He argued that previous fascists had essentially made two mistakes in that they focused their efforts on the methods rather than the original "idea"; and they wrongly believed that fascist society could be achieved via the nation-state as opposed to the construction of Europe.

The Rise Of Interwar Fascism

More important than the mechanism is the idea which fascism has created for itself of man and freedom. In the political context of the Fascims War, anti-communism began to replace anti-fascism as the dominant trend in liberal democracies. In Italy, the MSI became a support group in parliament for the Christian Democratic government in the late s—early s, but was forced back into "political ghetto" after anti-fascist protests and violent street clashes occurred between radical leftist and far-right groups, leading to the demise of the short-lived fascist-backed Tambroni Cabinet in July A number of historians and political The Rise Of Interwar Fascism have pointed out that the situations in a number Fascidm European countries in the s and s, in particular France, Germany and Italy, were in some significant ways analogous to the conditions in Europe in the period between World War I and World War II that gave rise to fascism in its many national guises.

The Rise Of Interwar Fascism

Constant economic crises including high unemployment, a resurgence of nationalism, an increase in ethnic conflicts, and the geo-political weakness of national regimes were all present, and while not an exact one-to-one correspondence, circumstances were similar enough to promote the beginning of neo-fascism as a new fascist movement. Because intense nationalism is almost always a part of neo-fascism, the parties which make up this movement are not pan-European, but are specific to each country they arise in; other than this, the neo-fascist parties and other groups have many ideological traits in common.

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While certainly fascistic in nature, it is claimed by some that there are differences between neo-fascism and what can be called "historical fascism", or the kind of neo-fascism which came about in the immediate aftermath of World War II. Some historians claim that contemporary neo-fascist parties are not anti-democratic because they operate within their country's political system. Whether that is a significant difference between neo-fascism and historical fascism is doubted by other scholars, who point out that Hitler worked within the existing political system of the Weimar Republic to obtain power, although it took an anti-democratic but constitutional process in the form of presidential appointment rather than The Rise Of Interwar Fascism through the Reichstag. Historian Stanley G.

Payne claims that the differences in current circumstance to that of the interwar years, and the strengthening of democracy in European countries since the end of the war prevents a general return of historical fascism, causes true neo-fascist groups to be small and remain on the fringe.]

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