The Problem Of Female Violence -

The Problem Of Female Violence Video

THE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT - The Rise Of Female Violence The Problem Of Female Violence The Problem Of Female Violence The Problem Of Female Violence

Note: Varies by jurisdiction. Femicide or feminicide is a sex-based hate crime term, broadly defined as "the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female", though definitions vary depending on its cultural context. Russell was The Problem Of Female Violence first person to define and disseminate this term in modern times, in She defines the see more as "the killing of females by males because they are female.

Others include the killing of females by females. Often, the necessity of defining the murder of females separately from overall homicide is questioned. Intimate partner violence affects 3 in 10 women over a lifetime, and it is estimated that An alternative term offered is gendercidewhich is considered to be more The Problem Of Female Violence and inclusive.

However, some feminists argue that the term gendercide perpetuates the taboo of subject of the murder of females, and proves the continual silencing power of dominant male structures in society.

Instead of centering in street violence, much of femicide is centered within the home, i. The word femicide was first recorded in to The current usage emerged with the s feminist movementswhich aimed to raise feminine consciousness and resistance against gender oppression.

We must recognize the sexual politics of murder. Https:// the burning of witches in the past, to the more recent widespread custom of female infanticide in many societies, to the killing of women for "honor," we realize that femicide has been going on a long time. But since it involves mere females, there was no name for it until Carol Orlock invented the word 'femicide. Feminist author Diana Russell narrows the definition of femicide to "the killing of females by males because they are female".

The Problem Of Female Violence

Russell places emphasis The Problem Of Female Violence the idea that males commit femicide with sexist motives. She includes covert killings of women as well, such as the mass murder of female babies due to male preference in cultures such as India and China, as well as deaths related to the failure and Vodafone social institutions, such as the criminalization of abortion or the prevalence of female genital mutilation. Diana Russell's definition is not accepted by all scholars as the standard definition for femicide.

Jacquelyn Campbell and Carol Runyan use the word femicide to reference "all killings of women regardless of motive or perpetrator status" [17] These authors argue that motive is not always empirically possible to be determined, and so must be removed from the qualification for femicide in order to gather data. On the other hand, authors Desmond Ellis and Walter Dekesedery take a different approach by viewing the definition for femicide as "the intentional killing of females by males".

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Most of these definitions imply that the perpetrator of femicide is a man, but South Asian feminists differ Vjolence their definition stating that femicide is "the intentional killing of females by men and of females by other females in the interests of men". All of these definitions refer to the idea that femicide is unique from non-gendered descriptions of murder and homicide. Instead, defining femicide exemplifies the fact that women are killed for different reasons and motives from those associated with typical descriptions of murder.

The Problem Of Female Violence

Defined by Diana Russellfemicide includes intimate partner femicide, lesbicide, racial femicide, serial femicide, mass femicide, honor killing related femicide, dowry and more. Any act of sexual terrorism that results in death is considered a femicide. The most widespread form of femicide in the world is that committed by an intimate partner of a female. Different areas of the world experience femicide varyingly, i. Intimate partner femicidesometimes called intimate femicideor romantic femiciderefers to "the killing of a woman by her intimate partner or her former intimate partner".

These can include former or current The Problem Of Female Violence, husbands and common-law husbands. Acts of incestsexual harassmentrape and batteringand other forms Violnece violence are also found to escalate over time within a familial relationship, possibly resulting in femicide.]

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