The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics -

The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics Video


The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics - remarkable, useful

This article is about the history of competitors at the Olympic Games using banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs. The use of performance-enhancing tactics or more formally known as PEDs, and more broadly, the use of any external device to nefariously influence the outcome of a sporting event has been a part of the Olympics since its inception in Ancient Greece. One speculation as to why men were required to compete naked was to prevent the use of extra accoutrements and to keep women from competing in events specifically designed for men. For example, the winner of the marathon at the Games , Thomas Hicks , was given strychnine and brandy by his coach, even during the race. During the early 20th century, many Olympic athletes discovered ways to improve their athletic abilities by boosting testosterone. As their methods became more extreme, it became increasingly evident that the use of performance-enhancing drugs was not only a threat to the integrity of sport but could also have potentially fatal side effects on the athlete. The only Olympic death linked to athletic drug use occurred at the Rome Games of The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics

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The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics

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The Olympic Games Of Ancient Greek Athletics

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