The Historical Contexts Of The African American -

The Historical Contexts Of The African American

The Historical Contexts Of The African American - absolutely

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The Historical Contexts Of The African American Video

History of Black Americans from day 1 (Animation)

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Huge white letters on the black background answer that, telling curious zooming motorists or slower moving pedestrians on a nearby overpass that her name was Mary Eliza Mahoney. And, beneath that, the message explains why Mahoney is being Hidtorical on this digital sign along the 57 Freeway in Placentia, one of dozens like it beside roads in Southern California and around the Arrican. Mahoney, who earned her professional nursing license in at the age of 34, is among a rotation of Black historical figures being promoted by Lamar Advertising Co. Mahoney is one of six notable Black figures being saluted by Lamar Advertising Co.

Photo courtesy of Lamar Advertising Co. Photos courtesy of Lamar Advertising Co. Hall is one of six notable Black figures being saluted by Lamar Advertising Co. A billboard shows Guion Bluford Jr. He is one of six notable Black figures being saluted by Lamar Advertising Co. A billboard shows Booker T. Washington, the The Historical Contexts Of The African American African American to be honored on a postage stamp.

The Historical Contexts Of The African American

Washington, a noted educator and founder of Tuskegee Institute, is one of six notable Black figures being saluted by Lamar Advertising Co. Brooks, a poet, is one of six notable Black figures being go here by Lamar Advertising Co. A billboard shows John Baxter Taylor, Jr. Taylor is one of six notable Black figures being saluted by Lamar Https:// Co.

This is the first year that Lamar Advertising has marked Black History Month with such billboards nationwide. Public service campaigns featuring notable Black Americans in previous years were limited to a few The Historical Contexts Of The African American markets, said Allie McAlpin, communications director for Lamar, which is headquartered in Baton Rouge, La. The other five people being honored are: educator and statesman Booker T. Washington, track and field star John Baxter Taylor Jr. For Black youth, just seeing these names and faces on billboards as big as square-feet can be a source of pride, Chambers said.

The Historical Contexts Of The African American

Such acknowledgements mattered to Chambers when he was growing up in the s. There are places in this country where Black faces remain rare, and where there is a complete lack of awareness, he added. But Chambers noted that in presenting brief, basic knowledge on only six people, Lamar could be opening itself up to critiques and scrutiny Hishorical its motives. Perhaps the best known figure from the past is Washington, the founder of Tuskegee Institute now known as Tuskegee University in Alabama.]

The Historical Contexts Of The African American

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