The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting -

The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting - for

It remains one of the most surprising facts about voting in the United States: While the popular vote elects members of Congress, mayors, governors, state legislators and even more obscure local officials, it does not determine the winner of the presidency , the highest office in the land. That important decision ultimately falls to the Electoral College. This leads to an intense focus on battleground states , as candidates look to boost their electoral advantage by targeting states that can help them reach the needed votes of the up for grabs. The Electoral College also inspires many what-if scenarios, some of them more likely than others. On Dec. Biden Jr. The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting


Tuesday, 22 December PM. A number of House Republicans now plan to challenge the results of the presidential election when Congress meets to certify the Electoral College results Jan. Cawthorn said in a tweeted video :. If you are not on the record calling for fair, free and just elections now and in the future, I will come to your district, and I will fund a primary opponent against you.

The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting

Efforts by President Donald Trump and his allies to reverse the outcome of the election that gave President-elect Joe Biden the victory have not succeeded in the courts. According to The Hillthe effort in the House will fail because it is not possible for supporters to secure a majority vote given Democrat's control of Vkting lower chamber. The effort was first launched by Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala. Over a dozen lawmakers led by Brooks met with Trump on Monday to discuss objecting to the certification of Biden's victory, The Hill reported.

Where does the 2020 electoral count stand?

They included Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga. Roughly 20 other Republicans signed Babin's letter. Meanwhile, Rep. Ted Budd, R-N. If no senator joins Brooks, there will not be a debate in either chamber, The Hill noted, adding Sen. Related Stories:. Keep discussions on topic, avoid personal attacks and threats of any kind. Links will not be permitted. Newsmax, Moneynews, Newsmax Health, and Independent. View Newsmax Mobile. Democrats to End Trump Tax Loopholes.

When does the Electoral College vote?

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The Electoral System Of Elections And Voting

Cawthorn said in a tweeted video : "I have a message for all other Republicans across the country. Click Here to comment on this article.]

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