Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your -

Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your - can

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, with Click on the sections below to learn more about how marijuana use can affect your health. About 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For people who begin using before the age of 18, that number rises to 1 in 6. People who are addicted to marijuana may also be at a higher risk of other negative consequences of using the drug, such as problems with attention, memory, and learning. Some people who are addicted need to smoke more and more marijuana to get the same high. Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your

The paper should focus on how substance abuse and addiction affects and impacts the individual user and the family and should clearly address and present understanding of the following : 1.

Biological and Psychological Causes of Addiction

General progression of substance use in the individual;2. General progression of substance use impact on the family;3. Family issues specific to substance use think about enabling and such issues ;4. Family dynamics that interfere with treatment and recovery;5.

Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your

Individual and Yor treatment considerations; and,6. Effective components of individual and family treatment. In your professional capacity as a substance abuse counselor, you are not permitted to give diagnoses for mental disorders other than those related to substance abuse. Discuss the relationship between substance abuse and crime. One of the principles of effective treatment of substance-abusing offenders is: Create a substance abuse policy applicable to all personnel at your healthcare facility.

Substance Abuse And Its Effect On Your

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