Stay at home Dad -

Stay at home Dad Stay at home Dad.

The latest U. Census Bureau statistics show there aredads who stay home primarily to take care of their children, while the National At-Home Dad Network claims the number is closer to 1.

Stay at home Dad

Those numbers increase when you take into account fathers who work part-time or flex hours. It cannot be done! Start the revolution.

Looking after two toddlers, easy, right…?

Even though it got easier each day, I felt that my heart Stay at home Dad with him. I went to an 80 percent role and spent every Friday with my son, and that gave me a taste for what it was like to be home with him on a consistent basis. That makes carting kids to certain activities easier for dads than moms. Todd Powell tells ParentMap he coped by getting out about with his kids.

We would visit different playgrounds and often go to the zoo. At night, I made up bedtime stories with them.

finding meaning in a mixed up world

Stay-at-home dads are often asked to take on the same workload of stay-at-home moms, which is a lot. Will you be responsible for dinner every night?

Stay at home Dad

What about the regular house cleaning? Think men love being in jeans all day while chasing children or being active?]

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